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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 187

Book Two Chapter ThirtyFive 


The entire flight home, I was sick. Even after my stomach was empty, it would keep coming up. By the time the plane had landed, I felt worse. My head was pounding and my body ached

I was also worried about Aspen and my heart twisted painfully for him. I missed him so much

Sis, you okay?My brother held out his hand as I struggled to descend the plane’s stairs

Yeah, just tired,I mumbled. I took his hand and he caught me when my knees buckled

We need to get you to the hospital, Tess,” Sarah said as my brother scooped me into his arms

I need to go to his pack. We have to get Luna Orion out of there. I don’t know how much time she has left in her pregnancy,I protested

And how do you think she will feel if you risk her grandchild,” she retorted

I can heal her. I need to be there. I can rest in the car on the way to the pack. We need to get her out of there now,I argued



Book Two Chapter ThirtyFive 

288 Vouchers 

First, hospital,” my brother ordered. Then I will call Alpha Orion.” 

No,I shouted

Tess, we are going to need his help,Sarah said as my brother sat me down in the back of one of the SUVS waiting for us

He can’t know yet. He will never let me help if he knows. And I’m the only one that can heal her.I pleaded with my friend. Your both know what kind of a monster he is. What if he hurt the baby? I can heal him. We need to go now. I will try to eat anything and drink whatever on the drive there. Please, I can’t let him lose

another mother,I cried

Quick trip to the pack and then we will leave. You need something to help keep the food down.My brother said as he buckled me in

Thank you,” I breathed out

Don’t thank me yet, sis. We still need to get her and her baby out of there,he kissed my forehead before closing the door. Sarah climbed in beside me and my brother took the front passenger 


Sarah gripped my hand as the SUV sped down the road from the airport to our pack. I still haven’t been able to ask her about how she got together with my brother. I thought she didn’t have her wolf yet. Did his wolf claim her? I know she came from a family of ranked wolves but she doesn’t like to talk about how she ended up in our pack



Book Two Chapter ThirtyFive 

288 Vouchers 

I sighed as I rested my head against the window. I closed my eyes and my thoughts went to Aspen. My heart twisted painfully at my memories of us. I’ve missed him, more and more over these last three months

I was anxious about seeing him again. Would he reject me for running and taking his child with me? Would he believe I didn’t know when I left? Or that I didn’t want to leave. I was protecting his pack against Connolly and my father. I didn’t know he was my mate. But even if he wasn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if anything happened to him because of me

I quickly wiped away the tears as the SUV came to a stop. Sarah squeezed my hand and I looked over at her

It’s going to be okay,” she assured me. I forced a smile. I never thought I would see Aspen again so I never told her my fears. He probably hates me and has moved on with someone else. I choked back a sob at the thought

Breath, babe, breath,” she wrapped her arms around me

I fucked up, Sarah. He could be with someone else,I sobbed as she held me tight

A man who looks at a woman like that, would never just move on, Tess. I know Aspen loves you. And I know you love him. It’s why you couldn’t stay away from him. Your souls were pulling you two together.” 

Is that how it is with my brother?I asked, looking up at her. She bit her lip as her eyes drifted to the front seat




Book Two Chapter ThirtyFive 

288 Vouchers 

I love Titus. Since arriving at the pack, I have always felt something. Something I couldn’t ignore no matter how hard I tried. Our relationship didn’t happen overnight, Tess. But after your father sold you and was pressuring him to take on a mate from another pack, he knew we couldn’t stay. I couldn’t watch him be with another and I couldn’t let my best friend be forced to be with that monster.She forced a smile. I know leaving my brother must have been hard and knowing he was being forced to be with another must have been unbearable

I was never with anyone else,my brother stated. No matter how hard my father pushed me to be like him, I couldn’t.He reached back and took her hand

I was happy for my brother and best friend, but then I was sad for myself. Would Aspen feel the same way? I was his first and he was mine. This child I’m carrying proves he is my fated mate. But I ran. I hurt him. Would he be able to forgive me

The doctor is here to check on you and after the warriors are. packed we will be heading to the meetup point. I want you to rest while we drive. You are going to need it if you are going to meet Luna Orion at the wall,Titas said before getting out of the vehicle. The wall. The same place I ran to when I escaped with Sarah


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