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Fated to Them (book 1+2) novel Chapter 1


Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 1 – Cyrus Colten POV

I stare out the passenger side window watching the unknowing humans going about their boring lives as we drive to work. We owned the biggest tech company in the countryworked alongside humans yet I couldn’t tolerate them. I sneer as I watch them disgusted, I hardly remember what it feels like to be human, nor do I want to be that weak again.

Revolting things human’s, I hated this part of our Job, hated that I had to tolerate these disgusting beings. I only have to tolerate them for a few meetings, I try to remind myself. I usually send Eli, he is better at dealing with human’s than me and he didn’t crave their blood, nor have a hunger for their d***h’s and the urges I had.

Eli was a Lycan and before meeting me he had his own pack, but I couldn’t handle being around them, too much for my bloodlust, an insatiable hunger enough to send one mad. Yet here I was about to get out of the car and entertain a bunch of morons. The things you do for your mate, though he sacrificed his entire pack to remain with me, so I could do this for him.

“Will you stop fidgeting and working yourself up” Eli says to me as he pulls onto the main street heading toward work, I growl at him. He doesn’t have to put up with their blood calling to him. Doesn’t have to put up with hearing the chatter in their heads like I do.


“Seriously stop Cyrus, you can’t go in there in a bad mood. Last thing I need right now is trying to cover up that you k****d an employee again, remember the drama’s last time?” He states, I sigh trying to calm my nerves.

The traffic was horrendous today when suddenly a little red car cut us off before jamming on the brakes making Eli have to rip up the handbrake to stop in time before rear-ended the i***t. Eli honks the horn, holding his hand on it, muttering under his breath. When suddenly the window winds down, the human in front then had the audacity to flip us off for honking the horn, she cut us off. How dare she. I growled, reaching for the door handle, wanting to teach this woman some manners.

Eli grabs my arm and shakes his head, the little car zipping off and weaving in and out of traffic, more cars honking at her as she races to her destination. Eli also moves over a lane when I notice the car pull into the vercarpark we were going to, the staff car park. Hm I will enjoy making her cry for her rudeness.



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