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Fated to Them (book 1+2) novel Chapter 32

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 32 – “Calm down we won’t hurt you Addie” Cyrus says grabbing my face, his words washing over me suddenly feeling rational before I see his eyes turn red, red right before my eyes and I feel my heart rate pick up so fast I was surprised it didn’t leap from my chest. I kick him away and he growls.

Wait he just growled, growled like a predator. I scream adrenaline kicking in, I have no idea what’s going on but one thing I do know is they aren’t like me; no, they are monsters. Goosebumps rising on my skin as fear makes me lash out. I throw my head back, Eli grunting as my head connects with his face.

His arms slipping from my waist as I hit the ground before getting up and running from them, heading for the road. Cyrus suddenly materialised in front me making me skid on the dirt road as I came to a halt. I hear the most horrendous noise like flesh tearing and bones breaking making me scream as l look back toward the car only to see a monster of a wolf, its teeth gleaming under the moonlight sharp and pointy threatening to rip my flesh to pieces if it attacks me.

Cyrus has his arms out like he was trying to herd me, and I dart off in the other direction only to be knocked to the ground from behind, knocking the air from my lungs as I hit the ground with an oomph. I freeze, my blood running cold as I see paws on either side of my face as I try to get up, a wet nose sniffing the back of my neck as it growls making my hair stand on end freezing me on the spot. I feel its tongue roll over my neck, and I spin rolling on my back wishing I just remained on my stomach, so didn’t see it as it k****d me.

Only it didn’t a****k, instead dropping, resting its body on mine and pressing its nose to my chin and sniffing me. Its black eyes watching my face when Cyrus moves to stand above me, he pats the wolf, and it l***s his wrist.

“Eli lets you up, you don’t run,” Cyrus says, watching me and my eyes snap to the wolf in confusion, my eyebrows furrowing as it whines at me, nudging my cheek withs its nose.

“The wolf is Eli Addie; he is a werewolf” Cyrus says, and my brain is trying to function trying to wrap around the words that just spewed from his mouth. Werewolf, my mind going to every h****r movie l watched, panic setting in.

“Addie?” Cyrus says as I feel my blood pressure spike, black dots dancing before my vision threatening to engulf me in darkness.

The wolf moves, nudging my hand that is on my chest with its nose, lifting it. My hand becomes frozen in the air as he rubs his face in my palm purring softly. His fur is soft and thick and so dark it almost looks blue under the moon’s light.

“He won’t hurt you” Cyrus says looking down at me before kneeling, he brushes the wolf’s fur again before reaching for my hand and I pull it back before he grips it gently. Sparks move over my hand before he places it on the wolf’s neck, rubbing it up to his face.

“See, he won’t harm you, we won’t harm you” Cyrus whispers and I feel his fur, the wolf leaning into my touch when I hear the horrid sound again, my eyes snapping shut and my teeth aching from the noise before I feel the wolf moving above me. Only when I opened my eyes Eli was staring down at me, my hand shaking as he grabbed it, kissing my knuckles.

“I won’t hurt you Addie, you are ours” He says softly before kissing my lips, his hard body pressed to mine, yet I don’t respond, my entire body tense at what I just witnessed or think I just witnessed, maybe this was a dream, yet it felt so real and the sound of my pulse beating in my ear made that not plausible.


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