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Fates Hands novel Chapter 116

Chapter 18-Book 3  

There was a flash of bright light, and everyone was back in the living room once again. When everyone got back to their senses, they noticed that the beast’s man looked different from before.

He stood taller, and though he had on the same clothing, it looked new, but it was old, almost medieval in appearance. He looked like a dark knight from an adventure romance novel. (

He was naked before, but no one asked where the clothes had come from. He looked different, still with the same dark hair, but his eyes were a bright golden with flecks of green.

He now had a penetrating gaze before it was dark and threatening. Now it was gentle with the look of ages of wisdom behind them.This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com

They were all looking at each other for a moment, and then Archer went to Rachel, who looked like she was about to fall over. Archer lifted her off her feet and carried her to the

Harry and August did the same until everyone was on the couch or chairs. All except Dargon. He slowly walked over to them, looking at everything as he came closer.

He stood in the middle of them. He tilted his head as he talked to his lion. Everyone waited for him to speak first, knowing that he needed time to come to terms with things.

Finally, he sat down on the floor, crossing his legs. His face was twisted in pain and sorrow. He put his head in his hands and rested them on his legs; he began weeping and growling it made everyone’s hearts twist with the sounds.

They all waited; no one spoke, just patiently let the warrior vent it all out. It was then, in the blink of an eye, a great lion stood before them as he let out a deafening roar of pain.

It vibrated off the walls into the open desert; miles away, it could be heard. Everyone felt it in their soul. Rachel, Ava, and Anna were all weeping into the chests of their mates.

The Lion burst out the door and out into the desert night.This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com. When he was far enough from the house, he let out another roar of pain; this time, you could hear both man and Lion wail into the night.

No one went after him; they all knew he was coming back. He just needed to let out all those years of rage and pain.

Dargon walked back into the house; everyone was waiting for him. Ava came out of the kitchen with a tray of drinks as Harry came behind her with a massive food tray. They sat it down on the coffee table, and everyone helped themselves.

Dargon walked up to the food, picked up a piece of cheese, sniffed it, and popped it in his mouth. His eyes lit up as he tasted the cheese.

Then he grabbed a soda, and a look of surprise came over his face as he drank some more. Everyone just let him eat; they could tell he was about to tell them the whole story. He also needed a little bit

more time to be.

After eating, Dargon sat in the chair closest to the fireplace. He twisted the gold and jewel ring on his finger as he began to speak.

“It happened hundreds of years ago; a young and beautiful witch fell in love with me; I didn’t love her, though. To me, she was one of the many we called family. She was nothing more to me than perhaps a sister would be.”

– “Shortly after the witch, Selena confessed that she loved me. I found my true mate, Arianna. Arianna

was gorgeous and the high mage of The White Mage Coven.”

“Shortly after, we were married and mated. The next night was the reception for us; Selena tried to enchant me with a love potion.”

“My second, Joran. He figured out her plan and drank the potion himself; he had taken the counter potion that my mate had made beforehand. At that moment, before everyone in the great hall, Selena was sentenced to banishment.”

“Joran and the guards stripped her of everything she owned, including her clothes. She was given the standard greys of the criminal class and then tossed out the back gates of the castle.”

“We thought that that was the end of Selena’s scheming. We were wrong. She came up with one plan after another plan. It became hard to know what was coming next.”

“Finally, although we didn’t know the reason, Selena stopped attacking. My mate was pregnant at the time with twins. I wanted nothing more than for Arianna and myself to have some peace and happiness in celebration of our soon to come cubs.”This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com

Chapter 116 1


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