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Fates Hands novel Chapter 120

Chapter 22-Book 3  

Everyone was engaged in the battle with the fire-lizard, Dargon finally rushed the lizard straight on, and with a mighty swing of his sword, he cut off the lizard’s head. Still, it remained alive.

Archer and August took the head and heaved it a long way from the body; that way, it would take time to regenerate if that is what its intentions were.

When it was done, Archer turned to where Rachel was standing to make sure she was alright, only she wasn’t there. He searched frantically but could not find her.

“Everyone!!! Rachel is gone where is she? We have to find her now.!!”

They all looked in the vicinity of the battle, but there was nothing; Ashton found something in the dirt. He called everyone over what they saw made them all angry. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)There were two of what appeared to be drag marks, one for each of her feet.

They went on for a little bit and then disappeared entirely. August was holding Archer back from running blindly further into the cavern. It was a trap, and they all knew that.

Ava stepped into the middle of all of them, “Stop everyone.”

“Archer, do you remember me having you switch stones with Rachel?”

“Yes, I remember.”

It hit him then Rachel now has the summoning stone. He smiled at that bit of good news. Now all they had to do was wait for her to kiss it, and they will all be right there with her.


At that moment, the fog started to roll in. It wasn’t a regular fog. This fog was a dark grey color and had little explosions of dark lightning.

Dargon began yelling for everyone to run and get to higher ground if possible.


They ran from it. There wasn’t much for high ground inside the cavern, but a wall sloped, which gave them some height; it was just enough. They were, however, stuck on this slight slope.

They couldn’t go any higher, and there was nowhere else along the slope to move further down the cavern.

Archer looked at Dargon.

“Do you know what this fog is? Is there a way to dissipate it?”

“All I know, Archer is during my time after we kicked out Selena, this fog would show up at random

times if anyone were caught in it, you would never see them again; you would, however, hear their screams.”

“Well, everyone, we are good and truly stuck.” (0)

Ashton said with a frown as he reached for Marnie to hold her to him, making sure she was far away from that fog.

Archer paced back and forth. You could tell that he and Solis were starting to get a bit impatient and anxious. They wanted Rachel, and they wanted her now. He made himself and Solis calm down; (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)freaking out would only cause more trouble.

The fact that she did not kiss the stone already was telling, and Archer wasn’t happy about it.

Rachel woke up in a small damp cell. There was a single torch outside the bars that let in a bit of light; she could hear water dripping and something that sounded like hissing.

When she tried to move, though, she found her legs bound; she found it odd that they would only tie her legs; she could use her hands to untie them.

It was then that she realized what had her bound. To her horror, she could see the coils of a giant snake. She followed the rings around her legs up and up till she was looking directly into the eyes of this blacker-than-pitch snake.

Then a voice out of the dark started to speak in a gleeful voice. Rachel didn’t need an introduction to know that it was Selena.

“As long as you behave yourself, Isae will not do you any harm. He is only to hold you nothing more unless I say so.”

She walked up to Rachel, holding a syringe.

“Just hold still. I only need a little of your blood for the test.”

Selena wasn’t very gentle with the needle; Rachel gave her a death glare while Selena giggled.

“How long do you intend on keeping me here. You know the others are going to come. What do you hope to achieve? Accept your defeat.”

“My Dear little witch, I will never accept defeat; as for keeping you here, why the cell door isn’t locked; you can go anytime you wish. She laughed and left her again alone with the snake.”

Rachel looked on at the empty hallway; sure, it is open, but only if I want to take my new fashion accessory with me.(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)

That was when she remembered the stone. All she would have to do was get her hand to her pocket and hope the snake won’t pay her any mind. Kiss the stone and poof won’t everyone be surprised.

As she started to wiggle around to get to her pocket, she heard a wispy voice.

“Got an itch do ya?”

Are you sure there isn’t some way we could come to an agreement?”

“You are not one of Selena’s creatures, are you?


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