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Filthy rich werewolves by Taylor Caine novel Chapter 342

Chapter 342

"By the way, my name is Kyla Corbyn. You can call me Kyla. What's your name?" the boss asked.

"I'm Grace. Kyla, you can just call me Grace," said Grace, and all at once, it seemed as if the gloom in her eyes was dispelled.

Kyla Corbyn looked at Grace, her eyes flickering.

Grace left after leaving her name and contact information. A woman in her 50s went over to Kyla Corbyn. "What were you talking about with that woman?"

"She just applied to be our food delivery rider, and I agreed to let her come to work tomorrow," said Kyla Corbyn.

"A woman her age applying to be a rider? There must be something wrong with her. Don't girls like her usually get an office job?" This rider job paid low wages, and only people in their 50s were asking about it these days. However, they resented the low pay and long hours, so they refused to join.

"She has a criminal record for killing someone with her car," said Kyla Corbyn. "I think she's nice. She was kind to Nelson, so I don’t think she’s a bad person. The car crash must have been an accident."

"You!" Upon hearing this, Mrs. Corbyn could not help scolding, "Haven't you suffered enough? Why do you trust people so easily? If you can differentiate a nice person with your eyes, then there wouldn't be bad people in this world! You shouldn't let someone with a criminal record work here. If she killed someone while delivering orders, are we supposed to pay on her behalf?"

Kyla Corbyn sighed. "Mom, I just want to give her a chance. It seems to me that she really needs the job."

"A chance? Didn't they give you a chance? Nelson still needs to cure his ear, and we're short of money!" Mrs. Corbyn said angrily.

Kyla Corbyn gave a wry smile and said, "It’s exactly because no one gave me a chance before that I... want to give her a chance all the more. After all… I've been to prison too."

Mrs. Corbyn could not help sighing at this and said nothing more.

Chapter 342 1


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