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Filthy rich werewolves by Taylor Caine novel Chapter 345

Chapter 345

Besides, as the boss, she handled the cashier, served the dishes, cleaned the tables, and seemed to do a little of everything. When the business was busy, she had no time at all.

Her abilities might be limited, but she gave her son the best that she could give.

At about three o'clock, the restaurant received another order, which included pineapple buns and milk tea.

It was only when Grace saw the address that she was distracted.

"What's the matter? Is there a problem?" Kyla Corbyn had prepared the order for Grace only to find her staring blankly at the order receipt.

"It's nothing," replied Grace, taking the pineapple buns and milk tea.

The address of the order was clearly the law firm where she had previously worked at. Now that she was going to deliver food there, she would naturally meet her former colleagues.

Back then, she was such a splendid person in the office, Perhaps in a moment, she would be very embarrassed.

Grace felt a hint of bitterness in her heart, but now that she had chosen this industry, these situations were inevitable.

Besides, life was so long that you would always meet people you had known before. Just because she had been to prison and was destitute, could she not face those people?

‘I just have to get used to it!' she thought to herself, then put the food on the electric bike and drove away.

The closer she got to the law firm, the more familiar the roads became to her. When Grace came to the law firm's entrance, she parked the electric bike and looked up at the modern building.

When she first came to this building, she had been in such high spirits that she thought with enough experience, she would one day set up her own firm!

However, now, everything seemed insubstantial.

Chapter 345 1

Chapter 345 2

Chapter 345 3


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