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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 264

Chapter 264 

How did it get so fast all of a sudden

Without giving Jack any chance to react, Connor shot forward, driving parallel to Jack’s car before overtaking him! Jack’s heart pounded as he steadied himself and floored the gas pedal to keep up. The car ahead cruised smoothly down the middle of the road, leaving Jack with no room to overtake

Minutes ticked by in a tense stalemate, Jack’s hands slick with cold sweat gripping the steering wheel. He knew this track like the back of his hand and remembered that roughly a mile ahead, there was a sharp curve. That was his only shot at overtaking Connor. Otherwise, the finish line would be upon them

Connor glanced in the rearview mirror, spotting Jack’s car speeding up. He then looked ahead at the curve and instantly grasped Jack’s plan. A cold glint flashed in his dark eyes. His speed remained steady, but he was firmly keeping Jack at bay

Jack’s hands trembled slightly on the wheel. The curve was wide enough for two cars. He aimed to take the side closest to the mountain, but Connor, as if he had eyes in the back of his head, blocked every move Jack made! The tires screeched sharply against the road, Jack’s car nearly hitting the guardrail multiple times

Large beads of sweat trickled down his forehead. With bloodshot eyes filled with fierce determination, Jack stared down the car ahead. He slammed the pedal to the metal, aiming his car straight at Connor’s. If he couldn’t win, he wouldn’t let Connor win either

Connor caught Jack’s menacing expression in the rearview mirror, a careless smirk tugging at his lips as he lightly tapped the steering wheel. A sharp, chilling light gleamed in his narrowed eyes

Jack had only one thought: crash into him! He floored the gas pedal, the car shaking violently as it barreled toward Connor’s. Connor jerked the steering wheel to the right, veering towards the mountain. In the night, the sound of tires skidding was piercing and urgent. Jack slammed on the brakes, missing his target. Frustrated, he gritted his teeth and charged again at Connor. Connor remained unruffled. He turned the wheel to the left, positioning his car near the guardrail once more. Jack’s car followed, crashing violently into Connor’s again

Connor’s grip tightened on the steering wheelnow was the moment! Jack watched in horror as Connor expertly maneuvered his car to a stable stop by the mountain. As Connor’s car sped off, Jack realized too late there was a sharp right turn ahead. Unable to turn in time, his car crashed through the guardrail, plummeting off the cliff. Jack’s screams echoed in the night air


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