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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 265

Chapter 265 

Seeing Flora unharmed filled Dane with overwhelming joy. Kaylee and Alex had tears in their eyes, relieved but still shaken

“We’re fine,Flora said as she stepped out of the car. It’s Jack who’s in trouble. You guys should get some help down there, quick.” 

Right away,” Tomas replied, nodding hastily, his tone submissive

Jack’s friends stared down at the smoking wreck of the car, their hearts sinking. That car was newly assembled, and now it lay in ruins

You’re all finished!a young man spat, glaring at Flora and Connor. Do you know who Jack is? His dad’s the head of the Sports Council. He’s not going to let you off easy!” 

Shut up!Tomas snapped, his face darkening. Even he had to be respectful towards Flora. Who was this kid to talk like that

fault. Tomas knew talking about revenge now would just make him look bad. And the tire tracks on the ground made it clear. Jack had tried to ram Connor’s car multiple times but failed due to his lack of skill, ending up crashing himself

Besides, Flora and Connor had signed a waiver before the race. Even if Jack died, it wouldn’t be th 

In simpler terms, Jack had it coming

The young man knew Tomas’s temper and fell silent, though he still felt resentful. Tomas arranged for Jack to be taken to the hospital, finally ending the chaos

Uh, Ms. Flora, I noticed your car got a bit scratched. How about I get someone to fix it for you?Tomas asked, wringing his hands, looking uneasy

Jack had recklessly crashed into them, denting the rear of their car. Flora gave Tomas a curious look. His attitude had done a complete 180 in such a short time

No thank you. Can we go now?Flora asked. She had a rather good impression of Tomas; at least he kept his word, unlike the other punks they’d dealt with before

Of course, of course!Tomas said, practically tripping over himself to agree. Who would dare stop Flora now

Tomas bid Flora farewell with the utmost sincerity, his solemn manner leaving Flora a bit puzzled

Alright, it’s getting late. You guys should head back now, or you’ll get scolded, especially you, Dane,Flora said as they reached the foot of the mountain

Flora, I’m really sorry for causing you trouble again,Dane said, his voice filled with guilt

What does this have to do with you?Flora replied, giving him a look. Stop worrying and go home. Focus on your finals!” 

Yeah!Dane nodded vigorously. I’ll make sure to get a good place!” 

He wouldn’t let Flora down


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