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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30 

The young officer found it odd that the Chief was getting involved in such trivial matters, Yes, how come 

Is she alright? Nothing happened to her right? The Chief’s heart was in his throat

That guy was famously known for doting on his sister to an extreme. If anything happened to Flora under the chief’s watch, that guy. might just tear the police station down

Even the usually slowtocatchon officer could tell there was something special about Flora now. He couldn’t help but steal a glance at her, realizing this lady must have quite the background

Don’t worry, Chief, she’s fine.” 

That’s a relief.The Chief finally relaxed. Let them go, and make sure nothing happens to Flora.” 


No sooner had the young officer hung up than another call came through. He frowned upon seeing the caller ID. The DirectorGeneral was calling too

What was going on today

He hesitantly answered, Hello?” 

Officer Johnson, did you happen to arrest someone named 

Flora?The young officer’s heart skipped a beat 

Yes, yes, release that young lady immediately.” 

Flora was treasured by someone very important. The voice from the DirectorGeneral sounded tight and panicked, Remember, handle her with care. Don’t let her make a fuss.” 

After ending the call, the young officer stared at Flora with shock in his eyes. Who exactly was she, to make two high-ranking officials take action

At that moment, Hennk arrived, looking like he had rushed over. He was relieved to find Flora safe and sound 

He was drenched in sweat, his usually neat attire now disheveled from running, all because he feared something might have happened to Flora

After Henrik signed the necessary documents, the young officer let Flora and the others leave

Flora, well be off then.Dane said dryly

See you tomorrow.Flora nodded slightly, her delicate face breaking into a smile

A group of young men blushed and hurriedly left

Just as Flora st 

stepped out of the police station, she saw Moss. Ms. Flora, Mr. Connor is waiting for you in the cart 

Flora peeked at the car parked across the street, feeling a bit quilty. Connor had come too

Henrik said softly, Go ahead, have a good talk. I need to stop by the traffic department.” 

Flora was puzzled. What for?” 

Paying a fine.” 

A rare hint of embarrassment crossed Henrik’s usually gentle face 

Flora instantly got it, both touched and amused

After Henrik left, she walked over to the car door and opened it

First, she saw a pair of charming eyes. Flora was taken aback

Ray was sitting next to Connor, disappointed at seeing her unharmed. He had been right beside Connor when the call was made, hoping she would be badly hurt so he could enjoy the drama 

Connor pushed him slightly, Get out.” 

Ray sluggishly moved to the passenger seat

upset, she 

Flora carefully climbed into the back seat. She cautiously glanced at Connor’s somewhat darkened face. Knowing he was ups decided to play the sympathy card

She poked his arm, her voice choked with feigned distress, Connor, my hand hurts.” 

Connor looked at her, his heart softening, and took her hand. Her delicate fingers were slightly reddened, though it couldn’t have been very painful


Chapter 30 

Next time something like this happens, you must protect yourself. If you’re not sure you can handle it, stall them and call me Immediately.– 

Don’t worry, those thugs couldn’t hurt me,Flora laughed, wrapping his hand with hers, and quickly fished out a brandnew sachet from her pocket, handing it to Connor Here’s a new sachet I made for you. Keep it safe. You can throw the old one away” 

A faint scent of medicinal herbs mixed with gardenia filled the car, instantly refreshing everyone inside. The uneasy heart seemed to calm down at that moment

Moss and Ray couldn’t help but look over

Connor, why would a grown man carry a sachet around?Ray commented

Mr. Ray, Ms. Flora’s sachets are magical, Moss said, Wearing it over time helps with sleep and overall wellbeing” 


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