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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31 

Dane and his friends couldn’t help but glance over at Flom. She was neatly dressed in her uniform, her hair tied in a high ponytail, and I was hard to believe she was the same person who had fiercely fought in the alley just the day before

As soon as Flora sat down, Jade walked in. She instinctively looked over at Flora in the corner, a Bash of disgust crossing her eyes

Today, we’re going to review the grammar from hit Three 

Jade would only go over the material once before moving on to exercises. A few minutes later, she would have students stand up and share their answers. If a student chose the wrong answer she took the opportunity to launch into a tirode

How many times have I gone over this type of question, and you still don’t get it. Are you not listening at all, or are you just as dumb as a post. Not just dumb, but ugly and overweight too. If I were you, I’d be too ashamed to even come to school.” 

The girl was so humiliated she couldn’t lift her head 

Dane, Alex, both of you, how could you get such a simple question wrong? What are you going to do in the final exams, count how many meals you’ve eaten? Youre hopeless, all of you You’re a disgrace to Westbrook High School

Dane’s friends were also caught in the barrage. Jade spared no one, leaving them metaphorically bloodied and bruised

Flora leaned back in her chait her expression growing colder, her pen tapping sporadically on the desk. She was getting increasingly Imitated 

Jade was still ranting when a grating sound interrupted her. Ms Jade, if one person doesn’t understand, maybe it’s their issue, but when a group doesn’t understand, maybe you should check yourself. Isn’t it because of your teaching methods that they failed to understand?” 

The screeching of chair legs against the floor followed as Flora stood up, her clear, untroubled eyes fixed forward

Jade had been holding back her anger all along, and Flora spoke, she exploded instantly

My teaching methods?She repeated the words before suddenly laughing. Alright then, since you think my teaching is so poor, why don’t you try? I’d love to see what the top student of our grade can do

Flora actually stepped up to the podium 

Grabbing a piece of chalk, Flors began to write and illustrate on the blackboard

When Flora was younger, Raul had hired many top tutors for her. Jade was nothing comprared to them

Having absorbed some teaching methods over the years, Flora unexpectedly drew everyone in. Even those who were initially disinterested found themselves engrossed.. 

She explained everything so vividly and clearly, making the previously obscure concepts seem simple. And once understood, they couldn’t forget it

Even Dane and his friends listened with great interest 

Jade’s initial amusement turned to an ugly grimace

Does everyone understand?” 

After Flora finished, she would patiently explain again to anyone who didn’t get it. There was no arogance or disdain


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