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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8


The words had barely left his mouth when his phone began to ring, Connor picked it up, taking a glance. In a flash, a storm seemed to brew across his face. Veins bulged on his forehead

The picture he received made Aaron and Flora appear exceptionally close because of the angle

Early in the moming, the two of them were at the villa’s entrance, lost in their world of affection

Were they planning to elope? What did Flora’s words mean to him yesterday

Was she deceiving him on purpose, wanting to see him lost in love and then trample on his heart

Moss and Beck came in cheerfully with some clothes, but upon seeing Connor’s expression, his heart skipped a beat, and he inadvertently took a glance at the phone, almost scored out of his wits

It was over

That stupid girl had only just returned, and now she was already getting cozy with that guy 

Sit, you see, I told you she was faking it! Beck exclaimed angrily, Flora had deliberately provoked Connor yesterday, and today, she was cuckolding him

We’re not staying in this goddamn Cedarvale anymore! You should just take care of that girl and her lover!Beck furned as he packed up angrily

Connor’s breathing was erratic, and he dialed his bodyguard’s number, his tone icy. Bring Flora here.” 

Flora promised him yesterday, and now she was cozying up with someone else. Connor was not so easily played 

Yes,the bodyguard responded seriously, but the next second, he froze. Wait, bossMs. Flora slapped that guy!” 


After coming back to her senses, Flom raised her hand decisively, landing a heavy slap across Aaron’s face, leaving him stunned

What are you doing?!he shrieked

Why are you screaming at me? Can’t you see I’m hitting you?Flora raised her hand again, delivering another slap

This time, Aaron’s face swelled up

She hadn’t even sought him out yet, and he was already provoking her

And you have the nerve to stand up for Carina and insult me? You really think too highly of yourself. You’re nothing but a nobody from the gutter. You’re nothing without my funding and connections that got you into school!” 

Fineered, raising her hand again. This time, Aaron quickly dodged, but Flora feinted, delivering a kick to his groin instead

The bodyguard filming from a distance instinctively crossed his legs. Goodness, that kick looked brutal

Flors, you’re insane!Aaron bent over, gasping in pain, and roared, What, is this your new tactic? I know you want to be my girlfriend. Don’t think I’d like you for this!” 

Flora nearly vomited. She was fed up with him living off her, and yet acting all high and mighty every day

You disgust me. Look at your face. What makes you think I would want to be your girlfriend? Are you even worth a finger of my fiancé

*ll have the apartment you’re living in taken back. From now on, I won’t give you a dime. I have plenty of money, and I’d rather give it to a dog than to you

You’ve been squatting here all day, haven’t you?” 

Narrowing her eyes at him, Flora picked up her phone and dialed the security booth. There’s a troublemaker here. Take him away!” 

The security arrived in less than a minute, handcuffing Aaron and taking him away

Ms. Flora, we apologize for the oversight that disturbed you.The security guards were very respectful towards Flora, knowing she was the daughter of the Irving family. We’ll take him to the police station right away.” 

That’s him. Next time he shows up, beat him up,Flora ordered

The security got the message. This man had annoyed Flora 

Aaron, now detained by security, was genuinely shocked. He could never have imagined Flora changing so much

Flora, you 

Shut up, idiot.” 


Flora couldn’t stand another glance at him without feeling nauseous. She got into her car and headed for the hospital

She thought about the fact she would see Connor soon, and her mood finally

The words had barely left his mouth when his phone began to ring Connor picked it up, taking a glance 

In a flash, a stom seemed to brew across his face. Veins bulged on his forehead

The picture he received made Aaron and Flora appear exceptionally close because of the angle

Early in the moming, the two of them were at the villa’s entrance, lost in their world of affection 

Were they planning to elope? What did Flora’s words mean to him yesterday

Was she deceiving him on purpose, wanting to see him lost in love and then trample on his heart

Moss and Beck came in cheerfully with some clothes, but upon seeing Connor’s expression, his heart skipped a beat, and he inadvertently took a glance at the phone, almost scared out of his wits

was over 

That stupid girl had only just returned, and now she was already gelling cozy with that quy 

Sir, you see, I told you she was faking it Beck exclaimed angrily. Flora had deliberately provoked Connor yesterday, and today, she was cuckolding him

We’re not staying in this goddamn Cedarvale anymore! You should just take care of that girl and her lover! Beck fumed as he packed up angrily 

Connor’s breathing was erratic, and he dialed his bodyguard’s number, his tone icy. Bring Flora here” 

Flora promised him yesterday, and now she was cozying up with someone else. Connor was not so easily played

Yes,the bodyguard responded seriously, but the next second, he froze. Wait, bossMs. Flora slapped that guy!” 

to her senses

After coming back to 

What are you doing?!he shrieked

Flora raised her hand decisively, landing a heavy slap across Aaron’s face, leaving him stunned


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