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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 9


At the villa, Connor watched the video on his phone, his smile slowly spreading

He said to Moss, Tell Beck not to pack up anymore. We’re not leaving” 

Beck had just come upstairs to hear this after packing up half of their stuff. He was puzzled. What?” 

Did all that packing go to waste

Half an hour later, Flora arrived at the villa. The bodyguards didn’t stop her this time, and she entered without any hindrance


She opened the door and greeted him with a radiant smile. Her mask was already removed, revealing her stunningly beautiful features

Moss and Beck were almost bugeyed

Was this- Flora?! 

How had she become so pretty? Was she still the same unremarkable girl from before

Connor watched her for a moment, surprised but still composed

Have you been waiting long?Flora asked

Not at all,” Connor replied, avoiding her gaze as if indifferent 

Moss and Beck could hardly stand it. Not at all? Yeah right

Sir, you’ve been waiting here like a lovesick fool for ages

How are you feeling today? Does it still hurt?” Flora asked as she came in

Connor fell from such a height and breaking several ribs, and it was natural to still feel pain a few days later

Connor hadn’t slept well since the fall, but he nodded. Much better.” 

You haven’t eaten, right? I brought you breakfast. Flora chuckled softly, shaking the breakfast bag in her hand

Moss and Beck were on high alert, fearing Flora had poisoned the food


Connor’s expression didn’t change, merely responding with a Hmm.” 

Flora was seemingly oblivious to Moss and Beck’s anxious expressions. She opened the bag and took out a bowl of soup, sipping it herself first before handing it to Connor It’s still warm. Drink up” 

Connor took a sip

Flora fed him a spoonful at a time until he had finished the entire bowl. She occasionally cracked a joke, making Connor laugh softly, a slight curve forming on his lips

With Flora’s voice filling the room, the cold hospital room seemed to warm up

Moss and Beck stood silently aside, and even Beck, who usually disliked Flora, had nothing to say. After all, no matter what Flora’s intentions were, at least she could make Connor happy

Connor didn’t speak, simply leaning against the pillow, watching Flora with a smile that could melt hearts

In the past, her smiles were for Aaron, but now they were directed at him. Truthfully, he was confused. He couldn’t believe someone could change so quickly. She liked Aaron so much. How could she suddenly not

Or was it that she discovered his people at her home and pretended for his sake

Was her kindness a temporary consolation or a genuine change of heart

He had intended to let it slide, but seeing Flora slap Aaron, he wasn’t satisfied anymore

Perhaps Flora was truly trying to like him? Should he trust her

By the way, Connor, I won’t be able to visit you tomorrow, Flora suddenly said

It felt like a bucket of cold water had beeh poured over him. Connor’s heart turned cold

All those pleasant fantasies became knives stabbing his heart. He shouldn’t have held any expectations

See, Flora was just playing with him, treating him as a pastime. She got bored in just one day and was leaving

“Leave now if you want to. Don’t come tomorrow, and don’t bother coming ever again.Connor’s tone suddenly turned cold. He leaned against the pillow, eyes closed, exuding an aura that kept people 



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