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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 74

“Ah, shit. I thought you would just go with it…” Edward replied teasingly as he looked up from his watch. 15 minutes…

“Edward! Natalia is out there!” Reiner yelled loudly.

“How long do you think it’ll take her to regain her memories?” Edward asked still very calm. Is 15 minutes enough?

“Move! I’m heading out. I’m going to find her,” Reiner stated as he pushed Edward aside.

“Human experimentation and trials. I hate them. Sometimes, though, they are necessary and unavoidable…” Edward started talking as he grabbed Reiner’s arm to halt him from leaving.

“What the fuck are you going on about?” Reiner asked in a tight voice.

“…when that happens, the best we can do is to make sure that the trial is safe and controlled…” Edward continued in a levelled voice.

“Edward…Natalia is in danger. Move…” Reiner stated the reality from his perspective coldly.

“You see this red dot here…that’s Natalia,” Edward replied while smirking at Reiner.

Edward dangled his mobile phone in front of Reiner’s face showing him a rough map of the area and a red dot on the screen.

“…a tracking device?” Reiner asked softly as he took in this new piece of information before his eyes. Edward made Natalia wear a tracking device? This mad genius knew all along where Natalia was and how to find her…

“You didn’t really think that I would leave My Princess in danger and all alone without a way to find her now did you? Not just this tracking device. I even built a metal wall around a small area in the forest to limit how far Natalia could go. I had a specialist team comb through the enclosed area to ensure that there were no wild animals that could bring her harm. An emergency rescue team and doctors are also on standby in case something serious happens,” Edward explained calmly.

Edward had all of this well planned out from the beginning and that was why it took some time until he could bring her here again. That and the constraint that he was waiting for some natural rainstorm.

“So instead of blindly going into the forest to ‘find her’, I suggest we wait until it seems like she’s done then we just go to the location of this red dot. Now shut up and sit down,” Edward snapped a little at Reiner with annoyance.

“You crazy bastard…” Reiner hissed as he sat down. At least, we know where Natalia is and quite precisely at that.

“Thin line between crazy and genius…or so they say…” Edward replied with a small laugh.

The red dot on his screen that was moving until just now had come to a complete stop. Natalia must have hit a wall of the enclosed space already. This is probably the time to pick her up…

“Natalia…Natalia…” I heard my name and a man’s voice. Is this a dream?


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