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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 75

“We’re here today to bring to you live the much-awaited official engagement announcement between Mister Lucien Rosenhall and Miss Angela Woodwick…” a beautiful red-head news reporter reported through the TV screen.

I watched the live program of Lucien’s and Angela’s official engagement press conference as I sipped the rose tea that Reiner had skillfully prepared. Seeing it through the screen was bad enough and this is why I chose not to be present at the actual event. I simply told Lucien that I was ‘sick’ and he gave me a very understanding look. Angela’s almost-neon pink dress that matches her lipstick is about to make me go blind as it stood out so much in contrast to Lucien’s prim and proper black suit.

I wouldn’t mind going temporarily blind just to avoid watching this. However, if you want to win battles, you must keep your eyes glued to your biggest enemy.

Reiner could sense that I was not in the best of moods. The proof is the fact that he is offering me a large piece of red velvet cake on which I munched on with my bare hands with my eyes still glued to the TV. If one of my tutors were here like back in the days, I’ll be shouted at for eating cake, of all things, with my bare hands. Reiner was much nicer so to speak.

“You both seem so in love. Would you mind sharing what attracted you to each other?” one of the reporters just had to ask.

“I don’t love her! This is just an arranged marriage that the elders forced me into. It’s a business deal and I think her boobs are FAKE!”

“Natalia…please control yourself” Reiner interrupted while trying to suppress his laughter.

Yup, that was not Lucien answering but me answering what I thought he should have said.

“What I said just now is what Lucien should have said! Give me more cake!” I exclaimed. A red velvet cake a day to keep dear Angela away.

“I fell in love with him since we first met and I started loving him more and more as I got to know him better,” Angela replied with a sweet smile.

I just turned off the TV.

“R, were you the one who took care of me that day at the lake cottage? Umm…did you bathe me?” I asked hesitantly. I had my guess but since I was still not fully conscious during the bath, I wasn’t sure.

“Yes, I did,” Reiner replied professionally.

“Umm…did you happen to see if I was wearing a gold necklace with a star-shaped pendant?” I asked softly. Since that day, I couldn’t find the necklace anywhere. Maybe I dropped it in the forest while I was running. I’m honestly still very angry at Edward and haven’t replied to any of his texts or calls. However, that was not the necklace’s fault so, if possible, I would like to get the necklace back. If it really is lost in the forest, then I guess it couldn’t be helped…

“Is it important to you?” Reiner asked in a low murmur.

“Well, I…wouldn’t go as far as to say that it was important, but Edward did give it to me so…” I explained while a little unsure of my answer myself. I was happy when Edward gave me that necklace, so I didn’t want to lose it.


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