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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 113

Kas’s POV


I look in the bathroom mirror and sigh, “ Lex, we're doing the right thing here, right?”


“Yeah. I truly believe we are. Everything will change. We've known for centuries it wouldn’t be easy, but right now, you have all the tools and resources you need to make it happen,” she reassures me, “You've got this.”


“You can feel it taking over, can’t you? The darkness. Even with Delilah trying to help remove its presence every day?”

“That is your human spirit, Kas. I don’t feel it. I just sense that I feel you're not the same anymore. You may never be, honestly. But I will always be here for you, regardless.”


I lean against the back of the door and cross my arms, “What if I'm happier this way? With this feeling inside. I'm stronger than I've ever been. It's a little scary, but it feels good too.”


“Kas, what do you want me to say? That you should stop letting Delilah try to help you? Let yourself become corrupted by dark magic?”


“A part of me does, yeah.”


“I love you, Kas, but if you really feel that way, go to Hell.”


“I plan to, Lex,” I cut her off, not wanting to start more of an argument with her. I look in the mirror closely one more time. There are dark circles forming under my eyes and my skin is becoming pale. I need a break from all this, but there’s no time for that.


I fix my ponytail, then open the door. Without warning, Julia shoots a fireball from her hands directly at me from another direction a dark smoking potion gets hurled at me, I deflect them both with a swipe of my hand before either can land on me, then extinguish them with an incantation before they can damage the carpet.


“Good, but stop holding back. Who's next?” I call out, prepping for two more sisters to step forward and spar with me using their abilities.


“Kas, you're going to get hurt,” Leticia stops in the hallway, looking worried and tired.


“Letica, do you think she’s going to take it easy on me?” I put my hands on my hips, scolding her, “No. She won't and I'll

“We all need a break, Kas,” Leticia wipes her forehead with her sleeve, “We've been at this for hours. You may have Zeus's endless energy, but we don't, darling.”



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