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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 114

“Kas, this is where you live when you're not with us?” Julia asks, looking around my apartment in the packhouse in awe.

“Yep. This is it," I smile asI take a couple of boxes out of her hands, “ What’s your home like when you aren't at Mavri Magea apartment?”


“Well, it’s basically a bunker,” she frowns, “I can't have a whole lot of flammable items. Just the necessities.” I give her a compassionate look, “Maybe soon, I can help you hone your ability. Get a better control over it?”


“I would love that, Kas,” she smiles before she steps back through the portal to get more containers of baked goods they have prepared using my recipes. I look at the clock on the wall, four thirty p.m.


“Alright, ladies, time to wrap it up. I'll take it from here and I'll see you all soon,” I clap my hands, giving everyone a hug before they climb back through the portal in my bedroom.


When the last of the Mavri Magea disappears into the white circular light, I wave my hand and recite the incantation to close it. I rush out to the kitchen, flick some flour onto my sundress before I unpause my BLACKPINK playlist and uncurl my

hand, releasing Diane and Tyree from their frozen positions and go back to icing the cookies in front of me, humming and dancing to the music. Diane drops her hands to her sides and looks around, “Oh, my. Did we really bake this much today, Kas?”


“Yeah, it can pile up really quick. What can I say? Time flies when you're having fun, Diane,” I shrug with a smile, “Don’t worry, Bronx and I will deliver it all to pack members. We always find it's a great way to connect with them. Especially if I go a little overboard and have enough baked goods to go around. Maybe he'll agree to do it tomorrow even though we are supposed to stay in the apartment.”


“A little overboard?” Diane asks. She nods in disbelief as she realizes just how many containers are around the apartment. She was so pleased this morning when I asked her to order supplies from the kitchen so she and I could bake instead of me sleeping all day, taking it as a sign I was feeling better. Poor Diane didn't know it was partially an act. I mean, 1am happy I got to spend the day with her, but baking all day was really just a vehicle for my plan to get started.


I vaguely hear the door and smell Bronx’s dark chocolate and coffee scent, but I'm so engrossed in the details of the cookie I’m decorating, I don't even hear Diane say goodbye or Bronx come into the kitchen.


“Kas, did you freeze Diane and Tyree?” he sounds calm, but I know he must be mad. He has asked me not to use my abilities on pack members before unless it's an emergency. I take advantage of his forgiving mood to tell him about my worries of needing more time and about letting Lex go for a run when my guards are all back on duty. He gives me a little pep talk about the time we have left in this lifetime and looks pleased I'm planning to shift to go for a run.


“So does all this mean you're feeling better?” he asks with a smile when he pulls away from a comforting hug. I close my eyes when he smooths my hair away from my face. His hands feel so warm and gentle against my skin, I can't help but lean my head into his hand and sigh.


“Better than I have in almost two weeks,” smile back. I let my hands wander under his shirt and around his waist, pulling him to close the gap between us.


I stand on the tops of his feet while he walks forward, pressing me between the counter and his body. I kiss his chest with sweet little kisses when leans forward to slide the cookies on the counter behind me away. He moves his hands under my ass and picks me up, setting me gently on the counter so we are closer to eye level. He kisses me gently on the lips before moving to my neck with soft little nibbles, sliding the straps of my sundress away and down to my collarbone, barely avoiding my

marking spot. Shivers go up my spine at the whisper light touch of his mouth against my skin, making me giggle.


He smirks as he lets me lift his shirt, exposing his hard tattooed chest and chiseled abs for me to admire. I toss the shirt on the floor and he continues where he left off, pulling my dress over my head and onto the floor with his shirt, kissing my collarbone down to my breasts while he caresses my midsection. I feel him grab my thighs and growl quietly, spreading my legs apart further so he can stand closer against me.


He slides his hands up my thighs slowly until he reaches the top hem of my panties and slips his fingers below. I gasp as I feel his palm press against my clit and his fingers move toward my core, slipping inside me in one smooth movement. He slides my panties off with the other hand, tossing them to the floor with my dress. I lean back on my hands and moan with a howl when he rocks his hand to pleasure me from the inside and out.


“Bronx, I...oh Goddess,” I groan and squeeze my eyes shut, trying not to let myself release so soon, but it feels so good all I can think of is wanting more. I feel my hand move on top of his, trying to press harder against my most sensitive spots, but I can’t concentrate enough to show him what I want. A whimper escapes me when he eases my hand away so he can have control.


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