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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 153

Chapter 21

Kas's POV

When I woke up from my nap, I felt much better. I could hear maintenance staff still out in the apartment, speaking in hushed whispers. Bronx asked me to stay in the bedroom until they were finished, so I pulled out my laptop to see what was going on in the world. I have basically been missing for a week. It doesn't matter who you are; the world turns with or without you.

A red scrolling bar at the top of the home screen has Bronx's name on it. Huh?

I click on it and get directed to a news page. There is a video of Bronx sitting in front of a blue background. The headline just reads 'Rare Statement From MasonCo CEO'. I put on my headphones, lean back against the pillow, and click the play button.

I'm mortified for the next three minutes. My face flushes red, first out of embarrassment that he would tell the world I was missing and almost drowned, then from anger at the thinly veiled threats he made to whoever took me, and back to embarrassment when I hear him say he is offering reward money for information that leads to the arrest of the kidnappers. I open more windows. Every site I go to has the same video with various articles about it.

"Bronx, get your butt in this bedroom right now,"I snarl through a mind link.

“Is everything okay, Baby? I'm still out here with maintenance. They will be finished in ten minutes."

"Oh yeah, everything is just dandy, considering you announced I was missing and almost drowned and then threatened my kidnappers over the internet."

"Oh. You saw that?”

"Yeah. I saw that. How could I not? It is on literally every website in existence!"

I hear him sigh, “Let Maintenance finish and I'll be there as soon as I show them out."

I cut off the mind link and search other sites. People are losing their minds trying to hypothesize over what could have happened to me. There are some seriously crazy theories. There are even sites betting on whether Bronx will get charged with murder when the kidnappers are caught. I seriously want to melt into the sheets and disappear again. How am I going to go to work with all this attention? My bakery is in the human town. It's on one of the main streets downtown, so the regular number of paparazzi hanging around outside who want my picture is bad enough. Now?! Ugh. I don't even want to think about it. I need to warn Delilah, if she will even talk to me.

“I think it's sweet,” Lex purrs, “Our mate cares about


“You're not helping, Lex.”

“What? What woman wouldn't want a man to scour the earth to find the people who hurt her?" she



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