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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 154

Chapter 22

When Bronx comes back, he has Mrs. Miller in tow. I come out of the bedroom with a big smile when I hear her voice. She is one of my favorite people. Left to our own devices, she and I can experiment with new recipes and trade technique ideas all day long. Bronx is carrying the ingredients I asked for. She is carrying a pizza box. As soon as she sets it down, I throw myself into her arms.

"Oh, Luna, we have been so worried about you. I am glad to see you back at home safe and sound," she comforts me in a warm hug while she smoothes my hair.

"I'm glad to be back, Mrs. Miller," I grin, “I am going to come see you this week about ideas for sandwiches for the bakery.”

"Of course Luna. You know where to find me," she squeezes me a little harder before she says goodbye and takes her leave.

Bronx takes our pizza to the living room so we can relax while we eat and talk. This is how he and I usually talk about pack or regent business when there are tough decisions involved. We have found it works better for us than being in one of our offices.

Once we settle in, I take a huge bite of the pizza. It is the most delicious thing I have ever eaten. That may be my hungry stomach speaking on my behalf, but it really is delicious.

“So where do you want to start?” Bronx gives me the option to talk about what I want. He knows me better than to make me talk about what he wants to hear first. We will get to it, eventually. I don't even have to think about what I want to start with. It's been on my mind since I woke up from my nap.

“Can we start with James?" I request, wiping my mouth with a napkin.

“Of course, Baby. You want to go first, tell me what happened? Or do you want me to tell you what we know?"

“I can start,” I give a quick nod before explaining that I didn't recognize his scent and that when I opened the bedroom door, I didn't recognize him. He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans, not his usual black suit.

"So, you don't remember me telling you he would be out here?" Bronx looks confused. “I-I'm sorry, but I don't remember that at all,” I frown, trying to recall any conversation about James being inside our apartment.

“Alright, well, how come you didn't just mind link Marco? Why act so aggressively? That's not like you, Kas. I think that is the part we are so concerned about. You weren't just trying to incapacitate an intruder to protect yourself. You tried to kill him," his tone is serious and firm, "Was Lex influencing you?”

“Excuse me?!” Lex growls, “You had better tell him it wasn't my idea, Kas."

"No. In fact, Elexis tried to stop me," I use her full name for emphasis, "There was just this part of me that felt more... I don't know...independent? No. Alone? That's not right either."

Bronx watches patiently as I try to find the right word.

"Primal. No. Feral. Yeah. It felt like there was a part of me that was feral. Like I needed to attack him," I look at him to see if he comprehends.

“Alright. Is there anything else I should know about that feeling?" His expression hints that he knows something I don't. I'm confused by the question, “I-I don't think so. I mean, I don't feel like that anymore now. It's over now.”

Bronx takes a bite of pizza and looks at me, clearly trying to figure out what to say. Finally, he cocks his head to the side, “Do you remember me bringing you back to the packhouse this morning from the woods?”

“I remember you carrying me and I remember telling you I'm still mad at you...which I am...but that is a conversation for another night," I hold my hands up, not wanting to start an argument.

"Hmm...Kas, do you know anyone named Cora?”

"Not that I know of? Should I?”

“I don't know yet, Saint mentioned the name. How about a group called the Feral? Is that something you remember? Maybe it could be a group of wolves from Silver Moon? Or do you know if Silver Moon ever had witches on their territory?"

“I never saw any witches. I definitely don't remember any groups calling themselves the Feral. Why do I feel like we had this conversation?"


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