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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 156

Chapter 24

We talk with Delilah and James for another fifteen minutes or so before we say our goodbyes.

As we are leaving the hospital wing, we see the doctor.

“Luna! I am so happy to see you! I take it you're feeling better?” he asks joyfully.

"Yes, sir. I am feeling more like myself. Thank you for asking,” I respond gratefully, “Also, we just went to visit James. I helped him out, so you won't need to worry about him too much. Hopefully, you can send him home soon to finish recovering."

“Well then! I will check on him right now," he looks happy at the opportunity to see the results of my healing ability.

"Oh, Doc, before you go, can you look into getting a doctor that specializes in hybrid pregnancies for James's mate?" Bronx adds quietly.

“Yes Alpha, absolutely,” he bows slightly at Bronx.

Bronx takes my hand and we head back to the apartment. "Can we stop by the daycare and visit Codi?” I ask, trying to think of ways to distract my mind.

"Well, you're in luck. Today is Saturday. We can go to Lenora and Milo's apartment to visit Codi," he pulls my hand up to his face and gives it a kiss.

"Oh, thank the Goddess. That is perfect," I smile, knowing Lenora loves when I spend time with Codi. It gives her and Milo an opportunity to get things done around the apartment or even go on date nights.

“We have a meeting with Marco and Musu this afternoon, so you only have a few hours,” Bronx reminds me.

We make our way to the fourth floor and knock on the apartment door. A flustered Lenora opens the door with Codi throwing a tantrum in her arms. Her expression turns to surprise when she sees us.

"Kas! What are you doing? I thought you would need more time to recover after yesterday?" she looks back and forth between Bronx and I.

“I am feeling much better. Bronx and I talked through some things last night. You guys can talk about it. I will take Codi," I smile, holding my arms out to take the screaming toddler.

If I didn't know Lenora well enough, I wouldn't have seen the moment of hesitation or fleeting look of worry before she placed Codi in my arms. Codi immediately calms down and gives me wet kisses on my cheek when I hug her.

Great. Lenora doesn't even trust me. Who else is going to feel that way? James and Delilah didn't outright say it, but they were more than happy to not have to see me for a month. 1

I guess I'm going to have to earn back trust from a lot of people. Who can blame them? I still don't completely trust myself, either.

We head inside and I take Codi to her room so Lenora and Bronx can talk about the woman named Cora and the Feral.

I sit in the beanbag chair and put Codi on my lap. We read a book about dragons eating tacos. She helps me turn the pages and points to the colorful pictures as I read in silly voices. I feel her yawn against me as she settles in a little deeper.

"Au Ka?" she says in her sleepy little voice. "Yes, Niece Codi?” I set the book down and cover her before I give her a kiss on the forehead.

“Wan cat,” she yawns again as she adjusts her little body to lean against me.

"You want a cat? I don't know if it is a good idea for a kitty in a packhouse full of wolves, baby girl," I whisper while I run my fingers through her fine, dark hair.

“No. Cat,” she says before she falls asleep completely. Her breathing evens out and her thumb makes its way into her chubby little mouth. 1

I think for a while, trying to decipher what she was trying to tell me. I look around the room decorated in pink and cream. There are no stuffed animals that look like cats in the room. Maybe there is one at daycare? I make a mental note to ask Lenora.

I find myself humming a little tune while I rub Codi's back. I can't remember where I heard it, probably at the daycare. The warmth of Codi and the blanket laying against me in combination with the tune makes my eyelids heavy. I think about the happiness on Delilah's face when she made her announcement and the way Lenora looks at Codi with nothing but love and wonder. It makes me smile inside. My thoughts fade into a dream. 1

I'm in a hall that looks like it was created for giants. Tall pillars made of white marble with gilded corners line the colossal room. Animal skin blankets cover chairs that are too tall for me to climb into. Beyond the pillars, I can see a sunny, beautiful day outside, puffy clouds with a sky as blue as Delilah's eyes. I seem to be alone, but I also feel like it wouldn't be right to call out to anyone in here. I look to my left, then to my right, and choose to walk to my left, even though both directions look the same. It just seems like the correct thing to do.

As I walk down the regal corridor, I notice statues in alcoves alternating between men and women. They are dressed in togas and leather armor, some with crowns, others with spears. I admire the perfect craftsmanship until I get to one of a woman that looks familiar. I step closer and look up at her stone face. She has strong features and hair that looks like it is flowing in the wind even though it is made of marble. She is wearing a crown. I have to stand back to see it properly. It is a crown of a crescent moon.

“Mother?" I whisper in awe. "Mother, eh? You must be lokaste. I've been waiting for you," I hear a man's voice rumble behind me.

I turn and gasp. A tall man with white hair and light blue eyes stands in front of me. Even with white hair, I can't tell how old he is. I get the sense that he is ageless. He has always been and he will always be. He has a broad chest and strong arms, with his hands on his hips. As I take in his features, I realize he is wearing a leather brace that is holding a bow and quiver on his back. The quiver looks like it's filled with electricity.

"I-I'm sorry, sir. Do I know you?”

"Ehh, my name isn't important right now. Please follow me, lunch will be served soon,” He holds out his arm, bidding me to latch my arm in his. It is a little awkward since he is so tall.

When our skin makes contact, it creates an overwhelming feeling. It feels like he has perfected the art of holding in the excessive amount of power that makes up his essence.

“So my child, what brings you here?” he asks as we walk. "I'm sorry, Sir. I-I'm not sure where here is exactly," I apologize for my ignorance.

He stops walking and looks at me before he pats my hand, "This is Mount Olympus, Iokaste."

“What?" I look at him with my mouth wide open.

“Close your mouth, flies will find their way in,” he chuckles.

"A-are you Zeus, sir?" I feel tears welling up in my


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