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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 157

Chapter 25

“You had a dream about Zeus?” Bronx looks at me suspiciously, unsure of what I am saying.

"No, Bronx," I extend my hand with the giant walnut out further as if it is proof, "I had lunch with Zeus. I also met Dionysus. He called me a monstrosity. I picked up the nut to hit him with, but he walked away.” 1

“Kas, we have dealt with a whole lotta crazy since you have become part of our pack, but that...that is pretty damn close to the top of the list," Lenora says in a loud whisper, so she doesn't wake the baby. The look of disbelief on her face is evident, "You haven't left this room in two hours. We've checked on you twice.”

She doesn't sound angry; she sounds more concerned for my mental state. Like if she says it firmly enough, I will stop the pretense and believe her instead.

That is how Lenora is. Pushy in her own way. A stickler for rules and order. Everything in Lenora's world fit into tidy little boxes until I came along. I know it bothers her that my life naturally exists outside of her perfect world, constantly changing, morphing, and developing as I learn who I am. She stands by and supports me as my abilities mature and as I get to decide who I really want to be. She has never had that opportunity. Her path has always been planned for her. She may never understand the intricacies of my life as much as she tries.

I know she loves me. She is like my big sister. I'm her Luna. Until yesterday, she has never had any doubts about me. She has always been in my corner. After yesterday, a seed of doubt has been planted, making her push her agenda a little more than she usually would

“Lenora,” I look at her as sympathetically as possible, “I'm sorry. I don't know how to explain it and I don't understand how it happened either. I wish I did because I would explain in a heartbeat.” 1

Bronx steps in to ease the tension. His eyes have a glint of hope behind them, “Kas, what did you speak with Zeus about?”

"He told me things are going to be difficult and chaotic for a while and I'm going to have difficult choices to make. He also told me to trust my instincts,”I nod while I summarize, adding in the last part since it was part of the vision I had about the redeyed woman.

"He used those words specifically?” Bronx's eye grows wide.

"Yeah. I think he said it on purpose, like a clue," I confirm.

I give Bronx a pleading look. We need to get out of here so I can tell him about the rest of the conversation as soon as possible. I want him to know if I can make it through all this, I will go back and Zeus will let me have a pup. I can't say anything in front of Lenora. The only other people who know I can't have a pup are Bronx and Lady Camille. He seems to read my expression. 4

“Well, Musu and Marco should be here in an hour. Kas, how about we go upstairs so you can change before we meet them in my office. Codi can finish her nap in her bed,” he says, "Lenora, if we are giving both of them time off, we may as well make this a working meeting so Musu can update us on everything she is currently working on."

"Alright," Lenora picks Codi up out of my lap and lays her in the crib, "I will meet you guys up there."

I immediately feel colder without the warm baby and her blanket covering me. I sigh and let Bronx help me stand up.

We say our goodbyes to Lenora and head up to our apartment. I pull Bronx along behind me so we can get there as fast as possible. When we get inside, I push him in, then close the door, and stand against it.

“Bronx,” I put my hands up, covering my nose and mouth, "Zeus said if I can make it through everything that is coming, he will let me have a pup."

“Oh, Baby! That's awesome news!” he gives me a broad grin and pulls me into a hug, lifting me off of my feet, "We all know you can do anything you put your mind to. I have no doubt you can handle whatever comes your way. Besides, you have me by your side. I will keep you safe.”

I try to tell Bronx details about the beauty of Mount Olympus, but I can't find the words to describe it. It's almost like my brain won't let me talk about it. I guess it isn't meant for everyone to know.

We both change and make ourselves presentable for a business casual meeting with Marco, Musu, and Lenora. 1

Bronx gets ready to open the apartment door, but stops short, turning around to face me.

"Kas?" He takes me by the waist and pulls me toward him.

“Yes, Sweetheart?” I marvel at his handsome face. I feel like I'm on cloud nine at the prospect of becoming a mother because of this man.

“I know I have said this before, but I will say it over and over again until the day I die. It doesn't matter which lifetime it is. They can reincarnate me a thousand times and I will still feel the same," he caresses my chin and smiles. His green crisp eye sparkles as he continues, "I only need you. I know you want a baby and I do too, but if we can't have a pup, it doesn't make a difference to me. You and I could be hermits in a shack on the back of the territory, and I would love you just as much as I do now. You are the one who makes me truly happy. If there was any doubt before, the past week has taken it away.”

“Thank you, Bronx. I love you, too,” I lean against his strong chest and let him kiss me on the top of my head. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. I feel the calming glow of my aura surrounding us. We stay like that for a few minutes before he clears his throat and lets me go. He takes my hand and leads me down to his office.

Marco and Musu are sitting in the waiting area in the hallway as we approach. They look so happy together. Seriously, one of the most loving couples I have ever met. They stand up when they see us, bowing slightly to show their respect.

"Alpha, Luna,” Marco says, using our formal titles.

"Knock it off, Marco, this is a casual meeting,” Bronx smirks as he opens the door and bids them into the office.


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