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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 159

Chapter 27

Katherine's POV

"They offered us accommodations at the Blood River pack house?” I ask suspiciously.

“Yes, Luna. They said they have plenty of room and would be honored to have the entire team there. If we would rather stay at a hotel, they will make those arrangements, too. We just have to let them know how many suites we need," my assistant says through the phone.

"I think the packhouse would probably be the best option," I think about Cora, who will need to come with us, being able to shift on Blood River's extensive territory. I also selfishly think about the opportunity to get to see Iokaste in person.

"Yes, ma'am.”

“Sarah, how did they know we were wolves? How did they know to offer us a place in the packhouse?”

“I didn't think to ask, Luna, but Mister Mason's assistant was very nice. She sent pictures of the suites we would stay in and everything.” I smirk at her innocence, “Alright, please request a block of eight suites."

“Yes, Luna. Oh also, Alexandros left a message. He says his team has scoured the eastern seaboard of the United States with no luck. They are moving to the Midwest but they are pretty sure Tessa must be headed to wherever Iokaste is,” her tone turns more serious as she relays the message.

"Alright, I will contact him about our upcoming trip to Blood River. Please complete the travel arrangements. Cora is coming, so we need the large jet in case she needs room to shift."

“Yes, Luna,” she replies obediently before hanging up.

I pull my personal cell phone from the drawer and dial Tessa's number for the hundredth time since she drank from the Journeyer's Cup. Straight to voicemail. I sigh before calling Alexandros. I can hear the exhaustion in his voice. Not having Tessa with him is wearing on him. She has to know that. It must be difficult for her to be away from him, too.

"Have you heard from her?” he asks, trying but failing to hide the desperation in his voice. "Sorry, Alexandros, no," I frown as I deliver the update.

"She must be close to Iokaste, 1-I just hope she's not reckless enough to stand outside the hornets' nest, Katherine," he gives a frustrated growl.

"She will turn up, don't worry," I reassure him with empty words before we say our goodbyes and hang up. I don't know if she will be alright or not, but I'm not going to tell him that.

I mind link Amari and Cora to join me in my office.

“We are out in the greenhouse. We will be there soon," Amari's sweet voice rings through the mind link. Which gives me time to finish some paperwork.

When they finally get to the office, I see Cora has let someone care for her dreadlocks and finally took a proper shower. She is wearing a loose t-shirt and running shorts. I notice she still won't wear shoes, but at least Amari convinced her to try the clothes on for size and she liked them. In the couple of weeks she has been home, she has spent most of her time in wolf form, but when she is in human form, she stays with Amari during the days to take advantage of her healing power. At night, she sleeps in my apartment. I can still feel her pain from the loss of losing her mate. I give her energy to help her composure while she gives me energy to help bolster my independence. 1

“Alright Sisters, we are going to the United States in two weeks to meet with Blood River. I spoke to Alexandros, he is going to meet us there," I explain, looking back and forth between them.

"I am going too?” Cora looks confused as to why she would need to be at a business meeting.

“Yes. We have blown our opportunity to summon Iokaste here,” I give Amari a scornful look, "So we need to go to her. Don't worry, Blood River has a large territory. You will have plenty of free reign to run around.”

She gives a little sigh and nods, understanding that we don't have much of a choice.


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