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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 160

Chapter 68

"Amari, what the fuck are you talking about? Kas is a werewolf.She may be a goddess, but she is not a hybrid, and she's definitely not a vampire,"

Bronx snarls at my sister.I feel his body tense up as he holds me a little closer, showing his protective nature over me.I watch as Amari takes a step away from Bronx.I sense her fear skyrocket at his reaction to her statement.

"I'm sorry to interrupt,"

I put my hand flat on his chest to stop Bronx before he says something we will all regret and address my sister, "Amari, I don’t know what an energy vampire is and right now, I feel like I should care, but I don’t give a shit what kind of vampire you think I am.

This conversation needs to happen after I’ve had time to rest.

Because I’m not making it through any discussions about anything without falling asleep in the middle."

Even trying to speak those few sentences takes everything I have in me.

"Yes, I think that’s probably for the best,"

Amari says with a quick nod, "It will give me time to discuss my thoughts on this with Katherine.Bronx, please let me know when Kas is feeling better so we can meet.We will be in our suites if you need us in the meantime."

I watch as she leaves the bathroom, closing the door behind her.Bronx takes a deep breath once she is gone.I feel his demeanor relax slightly.

"They're staying here in the packhouse?" I ask sleepily.

"Yeah, but that's not your concern right now.Let me get you to bed, Baby.I don’t want you to worry about anything Amari just said or where your sisters are staying or anything like that.I just want you to focus on resting, okay?"

He nuzzles the spot where my forehead meets my hairline, breathing in my scent, "When you're feeling up to it, then we can figure out what she’s talking about."

"That sounds good to me," I think I say out loud.

But maybe it was in my head? I don’t know.I’m too exhausted to tell the difference right now.

Bronx will understand.I let myself drift off to sleep.

In the darkness of sleep, I hear a woman’s voice calling to me.

It isn't Lex, but the voice sounds just as familiar as Lex does.

Her voice is happy and inviting, like she is glad she found me.I call out into the darkness to see if I can find the woman, "I’m here.иσνєℓєвσσк.¢σмCan you hear me? Who's out there?"

As I speak, the surrounding dark gets lighter until I am standing in the hallway of Leticia’s apartment building.I go to her door and put my hand on the handle.I feel the vibrating energy as it easily opens for me.

"Leticia, a-are you here?"

I step into the apartment and look around, closing the door behind me.I feel much more comfortable and welcome here compared to last time.

It’s like the apartment remembers who I am now and wants me to stay.

The accents of green and white are more vibrant, as if the decor is trying to show off.I feel the magic practically holding this place together surrounding me.I hear some shuffling of dishes coming from the kitchen.I walk down the hall to the wide open modern looking kitchen.

A short woman with sparkly silver hair, just like mine, is facing the stove.

She is standing on a stepstool, reaching for plates in the cabinet.

"Hello Iokaste! Can you please stir the sauce? Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes," she says without turning around.

There is no doubt now, this is Leticia.

Her voice was the one calling me in through the dark.I move next to her and pick up the spoon next to a pan on the stove.

There is a creamy rose sauce in the pan.

Next to it, there is another pan with some sort of white fish that has a beautiful brown crust to it.

"This smells delicious, Leticia," I compliment her.

I take a little taste from the spoon.It’s just as good as it smells.

"Thank you, I learned from the master," she steps down from the stool with two plates in her hands and gives me a wink.


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