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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 171

Chapter 79

"Here come the Alpha and Luna now," Ashley motions to US as we enter the great room. I hold up the books and look at the children who all still look pretty tentative about their new environment, "Who wants to hear a story? Follow me!"

I walk backward slowly, with a big smile, as children look up to their parents for permission. Moms and dads gratefully set toddlers down and let go of their children’s hands, encouraging them to follow me, so they can have a few minutes of peace.

I lead the children over to the corner with all the comfortable cushions and bean bags. Once we are all settled in, I give the kids a choice, a book or a story about the Moon Goddess. They all agree they want to hear about the Moon Goddess, so I tell them the story of how the Moon Goddess and Endymion fell in love and had fifty daughters together. I leave out the parts about factions, abilities, and that I am one of those daughters. I let Lex help by using her voice for the male characters in the story.

As I tell the story, I see Ashley out of the corner of my eye give me a thumbs up with a big grin. Even some parents are listening in. I glance over to see some of them smiling and whispering happily to each other.

"Is that it?" One of the girls cries out desperately as I finish the story.

I feel myself chuckle, "Yes, darling. For now, that's it, but guess what. Every Thursday afternoon, I go to the pack library and we have story time. Ask your parents to get the information from Gamma Ashley.”

The girl's eyes brighten when she hears she will get to hear more stories from me.

"Now, who here is going to school on Monday?" I look around at the group. More of the children raise their hands, "Oh! So exciting! I bet your teachers are going to be thrilled to meet you.”

A little girl sitting near the back looks up at me with a worried face, "Is school scary, Luna? I've never been before.”

"Well, school can be scary at first, but a lot of new things are scary. Once you see that there is nothing to fear, then it's fun. What's your name, darling? What grade are you going to be in?” I reassure the girl.

"I'm Hannah Fisher. I'm going to be in first grade," she says, a little more confidently. As I look more closely at her, I realize it's the little girl from the basement.

"Well, you are in luck, Hannah Fisher. The first grade teachers are the best,” I emphasize the word best, making my eyes big, "And the first graders are learning a play for Winter Solstice. I bet they can find a role for you.”

Hannah smiles and her eyes get glossy, "Really?"

"Yes, really. I’m sure of it,” I look up to see Ashley tap her watch, "Okay everyone, it looks like your parents need you back so we can get lunch. Who likes chicken fingers?”

All the children raise their hands excitedly, "Great. Go find your Moms and Dads. I will meet you in the dining room.”

All the children get up and run to find their parents, who all look grateful I could provide a quiet moment for them. Hannah is still sitting on her cushion.

"Is everything okay, Hannah?" I ask.

Hannah looks down at her lap, not sure what to say. I slide off my bean bag and sit on the cushion next to her, "You can tell me anything, Hannah. You don't have to be scared.”

“Luna, Mommy says you d-didn't kill that man in the basement. B-but I-I saw ..." her eyes get watery as she speaks.

"Hannah, I’m going to tell you a little secret. I have a lot of sisters. One of my sisters looks like she could be my twin, but she’s older than me. That’s who you saw in the dungeon. She, well, she’s influenced by dark magic. She doesn't realize what she did is wrong, but I’m trying to help her understand it was,” I watch Hannah think over the information.

When she speaks again, she looks at her hands in her lap and her voice is lower, "Luna, I-I'm sorry I blamed you. I was scared."

“It's alright, Hannah. I'm not mad at you. No one is. I have a question though,” I tilt my head and lean down to get her to look at me, ‘What were you doing in the dungeon with that man? He wasn't part of the pack. It could have been dangerous."

Hannah looks up at me now. The look on her sweet little face is so complicated. Her watery eyes spill tears, "Umm, he told me if I gave him information about the new Luna, he would give me money so my family could move away from Silver Moon."

"So you went into a locked dungeon with a man that promised you money?” I try not to sound suspicious or accusing, but I can feel anger boiling inside of me. Lex is pacing and growling as Hannah provides more information.

"I know I'm not supposed to go with strangers, but I just wanted Mommy and Daddy to be happy again,” she cries, wiping her sleeve across her face.

"I see,” I nod and hold my hands out to her, "Hannah, can I give you a hug? A lot of people say my hugs make them feel better. Do you want a hug that will make you feel better?”


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