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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 42

After a long day of catching up with everyone, Bronx and | finally get back to our apartment. I'm exhausted but | need a shower. The problem is, my back is still sore, and not completely healed. | let Bronx lift my shirt to check my wounds. He agrees that the water pressure is probably a bad idea for another day or so.


“How about I run a bath for us, Baby?" he offers. He gives me a gentle hug and goes to run the water.


When | get into the bathroom, Bronx helps me undress.


“| got this, Baby. Let me take care of you,” he insists. :


| blush at the gesture as he carefully removes my clothes for me. With every piece of clothing he removes, he places innocent little kisses on my skin, setting off little sparks with each one. He helps me into the tub, then removes his clothes and joins me. Bronx lets me look at his back first. His wounds are mostly healed except for the ones that were the deepest. There are scars starting to form across his whole back. Most of his tattoos are ruined.


When I'm done, we turn around so he can wash my back. His fingers brush against my skin causing little shivers to run down my spine. When he is finished he pulls my back close to his chest and wraps his arms around me. He breathes in my scent, caressing me gently.


“| love you, Kas. | know you told me it's not my fault, but | can't help but feel guilty for you getting hurt too. | am so grateful you did what you did, but you shouldn't have," he says in alow tone. °:


| pull away from his embrace and turn to face him.


“Bronx, | want to be the best mate that | can be for you. You are generous and selfless, even if you don't let the world see that side of you. | consider myself blessed that | get to see it. | want to give you everything I can. | don't really have any belongings to share with you, so all | have to give is...me," | smile softly, looking at him through hooded lids as | crawl onto him, straddling his lap. | lean against him, pressing my body firmly against him and start kissing his jaw and flick my tongue across his ear. | can feel his member start to twitch against me. |


"Baby, what are you doing? You're not fully healed yet. | don't wanna hurt you," he groans lightly, trying to keep his voice even.


"Well then, it sounds like you have a choice to make. | can stop right now and we can just go get dressed and go to bed with all this sexual tension between us or you can let me keep going and figure out ways we can do this without causing each other any pain," | give him the choice between kisses to his neck and jaw. | feel his hands tighten their grip against my hips. | can practically hear the gears churning in his head.


“Keep going, Baby,” he whispers as he leans his head toward my ear, kissing my neck just below my earlobe.


As he nuzzles my cheek, | feel his length growing and getting harder against my thigh. He lifts his knees, using his thighs to support me so | won't fall backward. The movement puts his tip closer to my entrance, allowing me to grind against him slowly.


| sit back slightly so he can see me better. His eye darts down to my exposed breasts just above the waterline. His tongue licks his bottom lip, desperate to taste my nipple in his mouth. Knowing he can't grab onto my back to pull me closer, he places one hand on the edge of the tub and uses the fingers of his other to roll my nipple between his fingers causing me to moan.


“Bronx. Fill my pussy to the brim with your hard cock," | growl in his ear. | don't usually talk dirty like that, but | use the phrase from one of his texts so he knows | have read them.


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