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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 43

"Bronx?" | say shyly. | hope he is sleepy enough that he will just say yes to my request.


"Yeah, Baby?" he responds sleepily. His voice is almost a whisper.


"| want to do something for you, but | need your permission and I'm afraid you'll say no," | try to sound casual and calm.


The light of the moon shining through the window is the only light allowing me to see his reaction. He opens his eye and looks atme with concern but his voice sounds suspicious of my motives, "Why would | ever tell you no? But more importantly, why would you need permission?"


"I-| want to heal you," | sit up, facing him, "I don't want you to end up with scars like mine. | know in Blood River having scars is a badge of honor, but this is different.”


"You're right. I'm going to say no," he rolls gingerly on his back away from me and stares at the ceiling, "It isn't your burden to bear. | don't want you to waste your precious strength on something like that. You're healing, yourself. You don't need to heal me too."


Ugh, why does my mate have to be so stubborn.


"Bronx, please. | have enough strength for this. | mean I'll probably be tired tomorrow, but | will be fine, | promise,” | pout.


"Kas, you almost died bringing me back from the brink of death. | can't lose you because you are worried about my vanity. | can't."


"You won't lose me. This is a simple enough healing. There's no poison in your bloodstream anymore, it's just flesh wounds. This is basic stuff. I've trained for it for months. Please, let me do this for you.”


He gets out of bed and starts pacing, looking at me angrily. There is also a touch of confusion mixed in. He stops and rubs his face with his hands before he puts them on his hips.


Oh crap. He's frustrated with me.


"You're not going to stop until | say yes, are you?”


“Probably not," | shrug, trying to sound nonchalant.


"If | let you do this and anything happens to you |-"


"Nothing will happen. It will just make me extra sleepy. | promise."


He sighs heavily, letting his arms drop to his sides in defeat, "Okay, | don't want this to turn into a fight, so if it will appease you, fine. You can try to heal me. What do you want me to do?" A sense of relief spreads over me, "Thank you, Bronx. Thank you so much." | sit up on my knees and pull him down to sit on the bed.


"Just relax, think about what it feels like when your back is well...not full of lash marks. Don't think about me, don't think about anyone else, just imagine what you look and feel like when you are one hundred percent healthy."


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