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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 44

It makes me nervous how tired Kas is the next day. She's still pale and her eyes don't have their usual sparkle. She insists on getting out of bed but she falls asleep at the kitchenette table before | can finish toasting a bagel for her. | carry her over to the sofa and bring her some pillows and her gray and green blanket. | wrap her up in a little cocoon and turn on the cooking channel she likes. Before | can even turn around, she is already asleep on the couch.


| call James and request Delilah come check on her to make sure what she is going through is normal. Once Delilah arrives, she looks Kas over. She agrees that what Kas did to heal me should be well within her power, but since she isn't anywhere close to her full power with her injuries, it just gassed her. She just needs rest. Delilah lets me know she will brew up something for Kas to drink that will help but it will take a few hours for it to kick in. -


“| will stay here with her. I'm sorry, Alpha Bronx, but you need to leave for a while. Give her some peace and quiet. | will stay here and make sure she's okay,” Delilah says. She writes a list of ingredients on a piece of paper and hands it to me, "The kitchen should have all these herbs. | need these to make the tea to help Luna lok- uh Luna Kas.” “Sorry, Alpha, but you heard the boss,"


James shrugs as Delilah closes the apartment door behind us, "| am going to see if | can sneak a snack from the kitchen. | can take that list to Mrs. Miller.”


| hand him the list and watch him lightly jog down the stairs to the kitchen. | could go workout in the weight room. It's down in the basement. | don't want to be that far away in case something happens to Kas. | head down the hall to my office to catch up on work instead. Milo enters the office and practically jumps out of his skin, in a split second his claws and fangs extend, taking a defensive stance, until he realizes it's just m e.


“Bronx, you scared the shit out of me. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be lying on your belly or something?" he grabs his chest and looks at me with concern.


“Kas healed me last night. Now she is tired, so Delilah kicked me out of my own apartment, "| lean back in my chair with a frown.


“Kas healed you? What? | thought she needed to get her energy back before she could do things like that," he looks confused, "Wait, Delilah kicked you out of your apartment? How tired is Kas that she needs Delilah there?”


“Well, let's just say Kas was able to get her energy back last night through our connection and | may never be able to get in my bathtub without getting a boner again," my mind wanders thinking about last night, “ but when she healed me, it wiped out every ounce of energy she had built up."


Milo sits in the chair across from me and crosses his arms in front of himself, laughing at the blush that spreads from my neck to my face.


His stupid, goofy grin is plastered on his face, "That's my boy. We'll have an heir to your throne in no time!”


“Watch it, Milo," | warn with a growl. He knows | don't like being referred to as royalty in any way, shape, or form. | do not have a throne, nor do | want one.


“Alright, alright. So Kas healed you. Like fully healed you?”


| stand up and pull my shirt off, exposing my back to him.


“My Goddess. That's incredible," he says in awe, "Cason's gonna have a field day!” “Haha, yeah, I'm going to need to go see him soon, but more importantly, look at this," | turn around and show him the spot where my scar used to be under my rib cage. “W-where's your scar? She made that disappear too?” he stares wide eyed before looking up at me with disbelief.


"That's nothing. Look at this," | lift my eye patch and show him the smooth skin of my eyelid underneath.


“No way," he murmurs under his breath as he gawks at me. He knows better than anyone how gnarly the scar on my eye area was, " your mate did that. Son of a gun. | can't believe it.”


“Yeah, she's amazing," | swoon. | feel a pang of guilt about how weak healing me has made Kas. I'm not sure how | will make it up to her, but | will find a way. Saint would know right away what | should do for her. He loves our mate so much, but he's not here.


After a moment of silence, a serious mood falls over me, "Milo, | need you to keep acting as Alpha until we figure out how to get Saint back. | don't know how long it is going to take. What | do know is that | don't want people to know. It will make the entire pack a target for attacks. It stays between the people that already know, you, Me, Kas, Marco, James, and Delilah. Not even Lenora, Reggie, or Ashley finds out. Got it. | will focus on MasonCo business in the meantime. If you need me to cover any of your...clients...just say the word. | can still do that, even without a wolf.”


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