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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 69

Marco's POV


I'm so proud of my Luna. We've been training her for almost three months and she could, like, seriously be an assassin if she wanted to. She doesn't have a cold heart for that kinda shit though. And no way Alpha Bronx would let her do that kind of work anyway.


Anyway, she’s doing so well now that James and | both get Sundays off as long as she doesn't have to leave the packhouse.


Honestly, even if she did, she can defend herself but ain't no way either of us would let her be put in that position. She does her best to try to stay in on Sundays unless it’s real important. She cares about us like that.


James tags in for his shift around eleven- thirty on Friday night and | head out. My buddies convinced me to go to a strip club that caters to werewolves. I'm not all into that kind of club but there’s only so much COD a guy can take.


The club is loud and smokey. Tyree hooked us up with a VIP booth. Everyone here knows we're Blood River, so they give us a bit of extra space. Three cute girls come over with bottles of liquor. They start pouring shots and pull some of the guys to private rooms.


Tyree and | hang out at the table and catch up on things. Since I've been assigned to the Luna, we haven't been on any security detail together. He works under Beta Milo doing more covert shit. He can only tell me so much about work but he does tell me he found his mate. She lives in another pack and they're working it out so she can move to Blood River.


"That's awesome man!" I clap his shoulder as we both grin.

"Well? What about you? I thought for sure the Latino lover boy would have found his mate by now," He shakes his shoulders at me as he jokes. »°


"I mean, I dated a few girls but nothing serious. I haven't found my true mate yet.


Clash keeps insisting I'll meet her soon but he's been saying it for months now."


“Don’t worry, Marco. You'll find her. The Moon Goddess knows what she’s doing,” he reassures me as a Cute girl with another tray of shots comes over to the table. We party until the club closes and head to our normal all-night dinner for some drunk food before getting a home. All in all, it's a good night.


On Wednesday, we get on the jet headed to France so the Luna can report in with the Coven. James and I accompany her and Delilah gets to see her mom. Alpha Bronx joins us, cause he's going to the Lune D'or pack while we're in the witches’ realm. He says ain't no way he's gonna leave his Luna's side anymore and with as much shit as those two been through, shit, I don't blame him. He's not allowed to come stay in the witches' realm cause Lady Camille thinks it’s too distracting for the Luna, so Lune D'or is as close as he can get.


After James and I register our guns and knives with pack security at the gate, we get to the castle and an omega shows us to our rooms. I take first shift so James can get some shut-eye.


I drop my bags in my room and head to the hallway outside the Alpha and Luna’s suite. The Luna said she wants to get in a quick nap before she and the Alpha go see Alpha Henri. Based on the look in her eyes, there ain't no sleeping going on in that room right now, if you get what I'm saying. ©


It's been about an hour when I hear people walking down the hall. The palace is round shaped which means the hallways are curved. It makes security a pain, but nothing you can do about it. Right? Anyway, I hear people coming and Clash is going crazy in my head.


"I got this, jefe, calm down!"


"She's coming this way, Marco!” he bounces off the walls of my brain.

"Excuse me,” I call out, using my best authoritative tone. I put my hand on my gun, but I don’t unholster it. I don’t want to have to use it here, “This is a temporarily restricted area."


"We just want to bring a basket of pastries for the Alpha and Luna,” a woman calls out in a thick French accent.


The overwhelming smell of cilantro and sweet fried platanos maduros hits my nose. I've never smelled anything so delicious in my life. Not even at my Mama’s house. I feel like my brain is starting to malfunction. 2 The women come around the bend and there she is. An ebony beauty with eyes like dark chocolate, hair in little twists all over her head, and a light blue sundress to set off the beauty of her dark skin. The rest of the world melts away and all there is, is her and me and i am just fine with that.


"MATE!" Clash yells over and over. My body goes into autopilot and I stride up to her, pinning her against the wall. I feel Clash take control as he breathes in her scent. : “Mate,” he growls. I try to pull him back, but he’s not having it.


Her eyes turn completely black, letting her wolf come to the surface too, as she breathes deep, grabbing me by the front of my shirt to pull me closer to her.



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