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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 70

We run through a maze of hallways and stairwells until we reach a random door. She pulls a key out of her pocket, unlocks it, and pulls me inside. We're in a small, modern studio suite.


She locks the door behind her and pulls me over to the loveseat.


“Please, sit. Umm, they told me your name is Marco?" Her voice warms me from the inside out but she doesn't have a French accent. She is from somewhere else.


Sitting down, I reach my hand out and take hers, I gently tug on it to get her to sit down too. She sits facing me. Her dark, wide set eyes are hypnotizing. I could drown in those pools of chocolate and be perfectly happy doing so. She is so damn beautiful, “Uh, yeah, Marco Sanchez. I heard them call you Musu?”


“Yes, I'm Musu Goba,” her full lips smile shyly. I notice she is wearing lip gloss, making them that much more enticing. I want to feel her lips on mine so badly, but I control myself. My heart is pounding in my chest and Clash is racing around in my head like a maniac.


“You don’t sound French. Where are you from?” I’m trying to play it cool, but ain't no way she doesn't notice me sweating.

“Sierra Leone. My mother is the second chance mate of Alpha Henri’s Beta. We moved here when my brother and I were thirteen. My brother Everl became Martin’s Beta and I am acting as female Beta until Everl finds a mate.”


“Oh I see. Look, I-I’m not gonna lie here, Musu. I just need to get it out of the way. You're beautiful and I’m trying my best to control myself here cause it's important to me that we get to know each other, but you should know, I really wanna kiss you. Like, I really wanna. But my Mama taught me to be respectful to women and | don't want to rush you and | don’t want you to do anything you don-” before I can finish, she throws her arms around my neck and starts kissing me, full tongue. A kiss has never felt so damn good. The sparks of our bond make little electric shocks between us as I wrap my arms around her and return the kiss. Who am I to deny my mate? : Kas’s POV


“We're not going to separate them, are we?” I ask as I look around the room in distress.

“Of course not,” Beta Everl says, “I can handle being Beta on my own until I find my mate. Although, your Marco is going to have to face my mother and stepfather. Hopefully, he can handle that.”


Everl shakes his head as he looks off in the distance and chuckles. The Lune D’or pack members around the room laugh at the thought as well.


“I mean, Marco has taken down two werebears in his day. Hell, he’s practically the size of one. I can even remember a time when he held his own against a dragon in an underground fight club. But I don’t know that he's ever faced a she-wolf's protective parents. I guess we will see how he handles it,” Bronx says with a chuckle of his own. ° "Don't worry Luna Kas, when I tell my parents how quickly he moved to protect Musu and that he is one of your personal guards, they will be impressed. His talent shows that rank is not important. Speaking of which, he almost got you, Alpha Bronx. You didn't flinch, but he almost got you,” Beta Everl shakes his finger at Bronx with a teasing smirk.


"Only the best for my Luna and now your sister. But don't worry, Marco and | will be having a more formal conversation about his actions when we get back to Blood River," Bronx says with his arms crossed.


“So how long are we going to let them sweat thinking that they could be separated?” I ask.

“Well, you heard how excited Musu was about finding her mate, I’m sure they don't mind a little sweat between them,” Beta Ever says waggling his eyebrows. Another round of laughs makes its way around the room. I clear my throat, “Alright, Alpha Martin, on Friday morning can you please send someone to fetch Marco for me? Until then, it sounds like it isn’t necessary to interrupt them. We can let him speak with Beta Everl and Musu’s parents before we leave for the Coven and as long as they agree, then please have her prepare to leave when we get back on Monday morning. We can have the bulk of her things shipped if needed. We are more than happy to accommodate.” I


“That sounds like a good plan, Luna Kas,” Alpha Martin nods.

“In the meantime, we need to speak with your father, Alpha Martin. Please excuse us,”

Bronx says.


Henri leads us to his private study and pours bourbon for himself and Bronx. | politely decline when he offers me a glass. He pours me a glass of water instead and sits in the armchair across from us. °


"Bourbon! How American of you, Henri!" Bronx teases his friend.

"It keeps this old heart pumping, my friend!"


Henri says, holding up the glass as if giving aspeech.


"Henri, I'm going to cut to the chase. Kas and I have a favor to ask," Bronx says as he takes my hand, "We're asking not just as friends but as friends of a man who sits on the Elder Council."


"Of course, Bronx. What do you two need?”


Henri lowers his glass and looks at Bronx with concern. Bronx looks at me, Henri’s eyes follow and look at me as well.

"We were hoping you would be the officiant at our wedding,” I say with a big grin.

"Oh! Mon coeur, mademoiselle!" He exclaims as he jumps up from his seat, clutching his heart, "Would I? I would be honored!"


He picks me up and kisses both of my cheeks and then gives Bronx a huge hug. He insists on having champagne and sparkling cider for me. He mind links his wife, Alpha Martin and the Luna to come celebrate with us. We enjoy each other's company late into the evening before we call it a night. 


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