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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 97

Kas’s POV


Marco catches up to me before I get to Katherine's suite.


“Kas, hey, stop,” he orders, tugging on my arm.


“What's up, Marco?” I turn to him and smile. I can already guess what he is going to say.


“What did you do in there, Kas? What happened to Elder Randall?”


I look around him to make sure there isn't anyone down the hall, “Can you keep a secret?”


“Of course, you know you can. Now spill. Whatever it was, everyone could feel it. It felt real dark,” he gives mea concerned look.


“Marco, I need you to trust me, okay. I haven't been only learning magic from Delilah. When I sleep or meditate, I'm able to go see my sister Leticia,” I confide, “She has been teaching me the things Delilah can't.”


“WHAT?!” he says loudly and catches himself. He leans toward me, whispering with wide eyes, “Are you fucking crazy, Kas? She’s dangerous.”

“She’s not dangerous to me, Marco... well, mostly... I'll explain tomorrow on our way to Paris,” I reassure him witha loud whisper, “Until then, I just need you to trust me. What happened with Randall, that was a one-time thing. I needed to test out my ability. Now that I know how strong it is, I don’t need to use it again. I won't lie, it felt good, and that kinda scares me.”


I watch as Marco rubs his hand over his mouth and paces in front of me, “Kas?” “Marco?”


“I don’t care how bad shit gets, don't you ever, ever pull the shit you did to Randall in there to anyone ever again,” he points in the ballroom’'s direction. His tone is full of warning.


“I don't know if I can promise that, Marco,” I try not to let my voice get too loud, “When you hear what I have to say on the plane, I hope you will understand.”


“Fine, but don’t think I won’t throw you over my shoulder and let your mate deal with you if you piss me off, Mason,” he warns, but in a more playful tone. We usually only call each other by our last names when we are doing some sort of training activity. He and James said when we are training, they can’t think of me as their Luna or as a friend. When they train with anyone else, they call them by their last names, so we do the same. '


“Don’t think I won't tickle the Hell out of you if you throw me over your shoulder. I know your weak spots and don't think I won't tell your mate what they are, Sanchez,” I smirk at him.


He raises his finger at me and inhales like he is going to say something else, but thinks better of it and puts his hand down.


We come to a silent truce and continue on to Katherine's suite. As we approach, several omegas are coming out with bellman’s carts full of suitcases and duffel bags. They bow slightly to me as they take the carts toward the garage. “Katherine, are you still here?” I call into the room.


“Oh Kas, I’m so glad you could stop by! Lenora should be here any minute. She agreed to let me say goodbye to Codi. I also wanted to give you both some information that will hopefully be useful. Amari is joining us as well,” she smiles with her practiced expression. “Useful? Alright, I am all for useful information,” I'm interrupted by Codi’s happy clapping.


“KAT! KAAAT!” she squeals, reaching for Katherine from Lenora’s arms. Lenora reluctantly hands Codi to Katherine. The effect is instantaneous. Codi snuggles into Katherine’s chest and Katherine looks more relaxed than she has her entire stay at Blood River. Amari comes in the room and coos at the sight.


“Why don’t we sit?” Katherine offers, motioning to the kitchenette table, “ Amari and I have some information for you.”


We all sit down while Amari pulls outa tablet and lays it flat on the table. She flips through pages of a digital book, “It doesn't happen often, that we meet our mates before we are both reincarnated and are of age, but it has happened.” She pulls up an image of a page from an ancient book and shows it to us. “Amari, I don’t know what language that is, but it doesn’t look like one I have ever seen,” Lenora says dryly, “I’m not sure how this is supposed to help.”

“Oh, my apologies. What this says is that while, yes, Codi recognizes Katherine now, once Katherine passes on, Codi won't remember her anymore. She won't want to be with her until they find each other in Katherine’s next life and they are both of age,” Amari explains.


“We know several things from experience,” Katherine adds, “None of the Manae remember their previous lives until our wolf wake up. Once our wolf wakes up, the memories trickle in over the course of a couple of years. The same is usually the case for our Guardian mates.” '


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