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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future novel Chapter 98

Lenora chases after me with Codi in her arms, “Kas, wait. Wait up.”


“What is it, Lenora?” I stop and cross my arms over my chest with a sigh.


“What is up with you lately, Little Sister? You haven’t been yourself for weeks. I'm worried about you,” she looks at me with half a smile.


“Lub you, Au Ka,” Codi says sweetly from Lenora’s arms.


I smile at Codi and reach my fingers out for her to grab, “I love you too, Codi.” “Milo has been teaching her that to surprise you,” Lenora laughs with tears in the corner of her eyes, “But seriously, Kas. Obviously, things are not okay with you. I know a lot of times you want to deal with things on your own, but please, I am here for you. All of us are. Whatever it is, we can help you. It isn’t just Codi. Bronx, Milo, Reggie, and Ashley, let's not forget Marco and Musu, James and Delilah, not to mention this entire damn pack. We all love you Kas. And we're worried about you.”


“Lenora, it’s just stress. I'm fine. Delilah and I are going to Paris a few days early to get away from things. Decompress, you know? Things are just crazy right now. That'’s all,” I shake my head and put my hands up defensively.


“If there were anything I could do, you would tell me, right?”


I feel her words cut through all my protective layers. I almost breakdown, but I can't. Now’s not the time for emotions.


“Of course, Lenora. I would tell you if there was anything you could do,” I try not to let my smile turn down to a frown. “We have already moved Tessa to the fourth floor across from Milo and me. That way, we can help her if she’s having a hard time adjusting. Plus, Milo meets with the trainers and heads of pack security three times a week. You know how Milo is. If she can provide any insights into security, he wants her there for some of those meetings.”


We make our way to the fourth floor and knock on the door to Tessa’s new, larger studio apartment style suite. She opens it slowly and peeks out at us before opening the door fully.


“Are you here to hit me with angry energy again?” her voice cracks as she speaks.


Her words catch me off guard. She sounds so fragile, so broken, “N-no, Tessa. I just wanted to see if you were happy with your new room and see how you are feeling. I’m not here to fight.” She stands aside to let us in and guides us to the loveseat and chair in the living area of the suite. She takes my hands and pulls me onto the loveseat with her, “I’m doing okay. I guess. I feel like I have a lot to apologize for, but I’m not sure where to start.”


“Well, it sounds like that’s a good start. Don't feel as if you need to say anything now. I know you are setting up appointments with the therapists starting tomorrow. They can help you with all that, not sure where to start, stuff. Trust me, they have helped me through tons of problems.”


“Me too,” Lenora chimes in, “It may surprise you to hear that I can be a little high-strung. I go once a month.”


Tessa looks at Lenora curiously, “Let me guess, your wolf is cryptically pushy until she pushes you over the edge.” Lenora looks taken aback, “Ho-how did you know that?”


“Me too. Except after millennia of that bullshit, my wolf finally went over the edge herself,” Tessa says glumly.


“Don’t worry, darling. You're in the right place now. Everyone here wants to see you get better,” I rub her arm while I reassure her. I try to smile and gauge her mood.


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