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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 16

Chapter 16 


To say that I was shocked was an understatement. I was a nobody. My pack had disowned me and labeled me a traitor and


I think Callahan believed that as well. So how would a nobody like me ever be strong enough to save him? And why was he dying

A lot of confusing questions popped in my head, but I did not know which one to ask first. Meanwhile, there was a soft knock on the door and a maid politely bowed to us

Miss Drusilla, Miss Zenovia, lunch is ready to be served.” 

Drusilla simply grabbed my head and ushered me outside. We can talk later. Food is more important.” 

For once, I could not disagree with her and let her drag me to the dining area. Maybe she was just being overly dramatic with King Callahan’s health. He looked perfectly fine to me

In fact, he had the most ripped physique and looked like he was made of iron and steel. He had singlehandedly killed over a dozen rogues. What could possibly kill him

Thus, I set my worries aside and decided to focus on the food

The dining area was as big as the alpha residence

I was beginning to think I would need some sort of vehicle to travel through the mansion. The grandeur of the mansion was visible in every single detail, from the silverware to the chandelier hanging above the table and the butlers and maids who were wearing uniforms and looked more decent than me

I was still in my pajamas and felt oddly out of place. They all smiled at me as Drusilla dragged me to the table and plopped me on a chair. The chair had velvety soft cushions, and I felt my butt sink in the table as the delicious aroma of food wafted towards me

I was suddenly ravenous, and as the maids began serving the food, I became increasingly impatient

There was so much food that it would have filled the stomachs of my entire class back in school

Maria stepped forward and explained, I have prepared a three course meal for the ladies to indulge in. As this is our guest’s first meal here, I wanted it to be special. So for entrée, we have fresh oysters on the half shell with mignonette sauce, and a caprese salad, for the main course we have herb roasted whole chicken just as Miss Zenovia asked and for the sides we have creamy mashed potatoes, and a mixed green salad.” 

I only blinked at her

What the hell was a mignonette sauce or a caprese salad

I had no idea, but it was not as if I cared. They served us the food, and I gorged on it as if I had never tasted food before

The meat was so tender that it melted on my tongue the moment I put it in my mouth. My mouth watered at all the food. displayed in front of me and I greedily took a bite of everything offered

When I could not eat anymore because I had stuffed my mouth to the brim, I looked at Drusilla

Is the Lycan King not going to have lunch? It is already quite late” 

She delicately carved a piece of chicken and put the fork in her mouth and replied, No, he told me he had some meetings to attend. Apparently, after the rogue attack, everybody is quite shaken, so Matt thinks it is a good idea to throw some kind of party to liven up the atmosphere.” 

I listened intently to her as Maria came forward and asked, Would you like to have the dessert now, Miss Zenovia?” 

I rubbed my hand over my belly that was full and wiped the back of my mouth like a grizzly bear

Surely, I could make some room for the dessert

I nodded, and a maid served something chocolatey and fruity that she called tiramisu layered cake. I ignored the name and took a bite as the sweet melted in my mouth

It was heavenly

And just as I was gorging on the sweet dish, Drusilla chirped, And if rumors are to be believed, King Callahan might allow them to have a mate ball as well.” 

The spoon I was holding in my hand clattered against the dish, startling her as she looked at me in surprise

Are you okay?I nodded my head vigorously. Though I felt anything but okay

There had not been a mating ball in the past few years as Callahan had denied permission to holding the event after some fiasco

Chapter to 

Has he agreed to it?I asked, and she gave it a thought. Not yet, but Elijalt is trying hard to make him agree.” 

Elijah?I asked in confusion and she replied, Oh, you have not met him yet, have you? He is the gamma and was sent to some pack in the north by Callahan. He has returned from his trip and is currently eating Cal’s head.” 

I gave her a simile as she switched her attention to her dessert

She took a bite and casually added, Callahan has avoided it like a plague, but I hope he goes there this time. He needs to find 

a mate soon.” 

The Lycan King was known to be cunning and ruthless and here she was talking about him as if he was a saint

But more than that, I realized a small seed of jealousy appeared in my head when she talked about him finding a mate

I added carefully. But did you not say the witch cursed him to never find one?” 

Drusilla took the paper napkin and dabbed her lips before answering me, Oh yes, he is cursed to never find his fated mate, the one chosen by the Moon Goddess, but he can always pick someone on his own. It is not that uncommon. Think of it as an arranged marriage

I could not help but wonder what this could mean for me. If he was going to have a chosen mate, why keep me around

To be his mistress while he took his time finding an appropriate mate for himself and to be his queen

Dread and a spark of jealousy rose in my chest. The memory of our first kiss returned to me with a ferocious intensity. Had he only kissed me to see if I was good enough to satisfy him? His heated gaze at the hospital and the way he had taken the knife in his hand….it made me shiver both with fear and anticipation

I shook my head. What was I thinking

Hell no. 1 was not going to be his mistress or breeder. I looked at Drusilla, who was simply observing me

A thousand doubts were swirling in my head, but I kept quiet. She was his best friend. I had to be careful around her, even if she was being nice to me

And a plan began to form in my head

The mating ball or party, whatever they might hold, it would be my chance to sneak out when all of them are busy

And I had to know everything about the event if I wanted to find the perfect opportunity to sneak out. Sitting in my room and blindly trying to run away from here, only to get caught by either of the staff, would only make Callahan more angry


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