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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 17


Chapter 17 

Drusilla got up from the table and grabbed my hand. Confused, I asked her. Where are you taking me?” 

She replied. I just don’t want Cal to think I am making his precious girl slog, so you better tell that to him upfront.” 

Precious girl

I blinked and asked. But did you not say he was in some meeting?” 

She shook her head vigorously, her hair flying all around. Nothing is more important than this. Did you look at this place? This mansion needs some major excitement and this event will infuse some energy in this dull, gloomy place.” 

She kept dragging me and I looked down at myself. I was still wearing my pajamas

At least let me change.” 

As much as I wanted to leave, the thought of walking in on a meeting where everybody was seated in nice formal attire and me just barging into the room wearing pajamas made me feel a bit weird

Drusilla said that they had not had any event here in ages and if I walked in demanding to be in charge of the event while wearing the night pajamas, what impression would I leave on everybody

I pictured them all laughing at me, and I resisted Drusilla. She turned back to look at me and gave me a quick once over

She seemed to have forgotten what I was wearing as well

Uh, well, yeah. You do need to change.” 

I felt relieved by the fact. I was also stalling for time, wondering what to tell Callahan, so he would listen to me and not doubt 

  1. me

And the fact that I was going to see him again made me nervous all over again

For some reason, he both terrified me and made me feel drawn to him. I just did not know how to react in front of him

So, I needed some time to think and prepare myself. Drusilla let go of my hand and pushed me to the room I had been sleeping in

Now come on, go get changed, quickly.” 

I bit my lower lip nervously, Uh, I don’t have anything to change into. I don’t even know who put me in these clothes. Perhaps I can borrow something from you if I am not asking too much.” 

I said, as she chuckled

You don’t have to worry about that. Your room is already filled with dresses, shoes, sandals and everything as per your 


My room? Dresses and shoes my size

What are you talking about?” 

Drusilla kept pushing me by the shoulders to the room I had been sleeping in and added, Well, if you did not guess it alreadyShe took a pause when we reached the door and opened it before continuing

This is your room and everything in here is yours, too.” 

She must be joking. Why would the lycan king shower me with such favors if I was a rogue and he wanted to punish me sooner or later? What was he trying to do

No, this cannot be true” 

I refused, and she added, Don’t believe me? Go ahead. Pick anything and see if it does not fit you.” 

I squinted my eyes at her, but she only folded her hands on her chest and urged me to go ahead

Nervous, I opened the wardrobe and saw the soft fabrics of various colors hung neatly by the hangers

There were dresses of all possible varieties, textures and materials. Some were long, some scandalously short, and some I did not even know how to wear

I roamed my hands upon them, and my fingers brushed against soft fabrics and laces

They were all too heavy, and I did not want to go to him all dolled up, so I simply opened another door and this one had a complete section of just jeans, then another full of blouses and so on

My head began to spin as Drusilla chuckled. There is another wardrobe for your accessories to pair up with the dresses” 

I only looked at her with a slightly open mouth, and she smiled. Believe me now? Come on, get ready now.” 


Chapter 17 

I let out a sigh and simply picked blue jeans and a white bouse hastily. You might have to wait a bit because I did not even 


I said when I took a sniff of my hair. There was possibly dried drool under my chin and I felt that I had not showered in an eternity

Oh, come on, now you are just stalling time” 

She grumbled, but I only stuck my tongue out teasingly before rushing towards the bathroom. And the first thing I noticed yet again was the enormous size

Everything here was so big. There was a fullsize mirror, a big bathtub, shower and two sinks with cute little lights

I looked around warily as I slowly got out of my clothes and hung them by a hook

There was a range of bottles placed near the shower, all having different body washes, shower gels and whatnot

Another line up of bottles was on my right, consisting of shampoos and conditioners

I ran my hand through the bottles, feeling amazed. My cabin was smaller than the bathroom I was in and I used to go to the shared bathrooms for omegas and servants of the pack back home

I used to always get up early and shower in the cold, chilly wind with water droplets that felt as if ice was prickling my skin and hurriedly dry myself off to start doing the chores

So, this was a stark contrast to the life back home. Again, I could not help but wonder why Callahan was being so nice to me

I turned the shower on, and the hot water immediately calmed my sore muscles. A feeling of relaxation swept through me as the hot water flew down my body

1 was not even aware of the ache and soreness as I had been too busy eating and then thinking of a plan

Meanwhile, I examined the wounds and scars on my body. My shoulder was stiff but didn’t hurt as much and even the wounds had reduced to minor scratches


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