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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 20

Chapter 20 


I was humming to myself after having that invigorating shower and was feeling extremely nice and refreshed after a long 


To be honest, I had never had such a nice shower after I was reduced to an omega in my own pack

So, I was dancing around when I saw the King watching me from a few feet away. And all of the anger I had been feeling for him melted away in that instant

He was all muscles and elegance, dressed in a simple blue button down shirt and black pants, but he looked every bit of the King he was and his golden eyes were simply mesmerizing to look at

And the fact that he had not simply pushed himself upon me made me want to put my trust in him just a little bit

My brain did not quite agree to the idea, but my body was already reacting to his presence and I had not failed to notice the way his eyes had roamed all over my naked skin

It made me flush with heat, but I reminded myself that I was a fool to even imagine the possibility of anybody wanting me. That confusion alongwith the way I had heard of omegas being used for pleasure and sex made me blurt out my doubts to him out loud 

But it seemed that he was offended, so I hastily tried to stop him, but at that exact moment the towel’s knot loosened and it slipped down from my bare body

I gave a startled cry and stupidly got up to place a hand on his eyes to stop him from seeing me instead of doing a sensible thing and picking up the sheet again to hide myself

I almost jumped up to close his eyes and my foot got caught in the sheets, making me throw myself at him

My mouth turned into a big O as he stumbled back and his hands wrapped around my waist to hold me in place

I should have given a startled cry, a hysterical shriek, but my body was not prepared to feel his calloused hands on my waist. and the sound that left my lips was more of a moan

We fell on the bed, me on top of him with his hands around me and my face inches away from his. At this point, I was not sure what to do

Callahan’s eyes were still looking into mine, and the brush of his rough, calloused hands against my soft skin felt heavenly

I was lying stark naked on top of the most ferocious lycan on this planet and instead of feeling terrified, I was feeling aroused

I hated the way my body reacted to his touch, and I wanted to take control back before it was too late

There was a small smile playing on his lips as I tried to speak. Close your eyes.” 

I tried to speak authoritatively, and his grin turned even wider

I glared at him or tried to, as my nipples turned so hard I could feel them straining against the fabric of his shirt

What if I don’t agree?He asked me huskily, and I smacked my hand upon his shoulder

Close your eyes!!I repeated in a bit firmer tone, and he obliged

Alright, missHe did as asked in the next second, though that stupid grin was still plastered on his face

I rolled my eyes at him but quickly gathered the sheets and the towel and wrapped them around me as if I was a delicate shipment that needed tonnes of bubble wrap

Now go out and let me get dressed,” I said as I pushed away from him, crouching on the opposite side of the bed

His hands reluctantly let go of me as he asked, Can I atleast open my eyes? I don’t want to be jumped upon again for no fault of mine.” 

I did not jump upon you,I said in an irritated voice, trying to force my body to stop craving his touch

Callahan propped his elbow on the bed and looked at me. Yes, you did, and you liked it” 

He said as he smoothed the creases on his shirt and attempted to wipe away the moisture that had gotten absorbed from my hair

Is that how you woo girls? Doing something and saying you liked it?” 

I shot back, trying to hide the way my heart was raging in my chest. But he was just smiling at me as if my words amused him instead of making him angry

1 rolled my eyes and put some more distance between himself and me

Chapter 20 

You didn’t see anything, right?I asked nervously, and he tried hard to not laugh. The effort was visible on his face and it made me want to smack him

I didHe nodded, and I felt my heart thundering against my ribcage

This was mortifying. I buried my head in my hands and just wanted the earth to swallow me whole

He had seen me dance and jump around in nothing but a towel and then, like an idiot, I had somehow fallen stark naked on top of him and he was still not touching me

That was a good thing. But why was my body not liking it

If he did not want me as a breeder or somebody to warm his bed every night, then why else would he shower me with all this luxury

Just shut up and leave.” 

I said, trying to hide my nervousness and appear bold. He merely squinted his eyes at me and I immediately corrected myself, I mean, can you please leave, your majesty?” 

He nodded his head and spoke, That is more like it. We can be respectful to each other if we tried, you know.” 

With that, he walked outside and reached the door. His hand rested on the doorknob, and he was about to softly close the door behind himself when he turned to look at me

What was the thing your mother used to say?Callahan asked, and 1 furrowed my eyebrows, unsure of why he was suddenly talking about my deceased mother

Huh?I blurted out

His hand stayed on the doorknob but he continued, Of not attacking someone behind their back?” 

Callahan probed, and I pushed a lock of hair behind my ears. Fidgeting with my fingers, I answered

Uh, yes, she said that a true warrior was honorable and killing someone, even your enemy, behind their back was almost like being a coward.” 

King Callahan nodded his head. I never met her but I think our thought process is quite similar” 

He was playing with the doorknob as he was mulling over something. His eyes danced from left to right as I guessed he was recalling some past incident and, at the same time, wondering how much of it to tell me

I waited for him to speak and also took that opportunity to calm my raging heart. He took such a long pause that I could not stand the awkward silence around us anymore

So, I carefully asked in a neutral voice, But why did you suddenly remember that?” 

He left the doorknob and began playing with the sleeve button of his shirt

You have been asking me why I did not kill you already, right?” 

I nodded impatiently, wondering what my mother had to do with it. The Lycan King kept toying with the button as he continued

Every person lives by certain values and morals that he does not break under any circumstance. At least, most don’t. And 1 respect such people.” 


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