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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 21

Chapter 21 

Chapter 21 


I kept staring at Callahanblankly as he pulled the door close while muttering, I hope that was enough of an answerThe door fell shut softly as I heard his receding footsteps

I fell on the bed again, lost in thought at what had just happened. I was amazed at the way he had gotten his point across

I recalled the day I had run away from Sid and his men, worried for my safety and life, getting scratched and thinking this was the last day of my life when I had accidentally bumped into Callahan’s car

He had run out of his car and held me in his arms protectively. And, I had passed out just like the cub in his sotry. Had I looked at him with relief when I saw him? I had been too exhausted and weak to take just one more step. And Callahan had not only provided me with medical care and attention, but also comfort and luxury

So, according to him, his ideals were to not hurt the sick and weak? That seemed nice, and I was almost going to sag in relief when another disturbing thought popped up in my head

He did not like taking someone out like a coward. So, was he going to heal me completely, ensure that I was healthy and 

then kill me

Isn’t that what humans did to the wrongdoers? They never executed the sick or weak but treated them well and only executed them when they were healthy, as it was against their moral code to kill someone when he was weak

My heart began to thunder wildly at that thought

Yes, that was what he was doing. He had called me a cub, so surely that theory fit perfectly

I was a sacrificial lamb for him. He was going to raise me, feed me with delicious food, and care for him until I was big and healthy enough to be sacrificed

I shuddered at that thought and was relieved that I had finally worked it out. But instead of letting worry cloud my judgement, I began to direct my attention towards the plan

I had to make him believe that I was thankful for saving me. I had to gain his trust so that he would let me roam around freely and everybody would grow less suspicious of me. And when the time was right and nobody was looking, I would sneak out, never to be seen again

I smiled at myself and let go of the sheets. Walking towards the wardrobe, I pulled out a simple jeans and a full sleeves cream colored blouse, paired it with plain white shoes and headed out

Smoothing my hair with my fingers, I kept walking through the passageway and climbed down the stairs

I was adjusting the strap of my dress when I reached the floor and bumped into someone

I would have fallen but somebody stopped my fall, Oh sorry, I did not see you there” 

A tall and handsome man said to me with a smile. He gently help me straighten and I mumbled, I should be the one who apologizes. I was not paying attention.” 

The man chuckled as he wove a hand through his dark, silky hair. He was cute and seemed very friendly

Extending a hand, he introduced himself, Hello, I am Elijah, gamma to King Callahan.” 

I hesitated a second before taking his hand in mine and lightly shaking it

I am Zenovia. King Callahan’s” 

I began, but trailed off. What was I to him? He had never told me that

Sacrificial lamb, breeder, traitor….there were so many ways to introduce myself. I bit my lower lip nervously, wondering. what to answer when he shricked

Oh my God, I am finally meeting the star Zenovia everybody has been gushing about since forever” 

I threw him a confused look. Who was talking about me

He gave me a low bow and added, I am honored to meet you, Miss Zenovia” 

I nodded and smiled, The pleasure is mine.” 

Were you looking for someone? I could help you with whatever it is.” 

Oh, I am not sure where King Callahan’s office is. I wished to talk to him about the mate ball.” 

Chapter 21 

Elijah whooped his hand in the air. Yes! So Drusilla was not lying to me. You see, she is quite the prankster.” 

He jumped excitedly and I could not help but chuckle at his childlike glee

Well, that depends on whether the King allows me to be a part of the preparations.” 

Elijah smiled. Oh, we all are going to make him convince.” 

I nodded, and we began walking towards Callahan’s office. He seemed to be busy talking to someone, so we waited outside

The blinds were partly drawn, and I could not help but take a peek inside. Callahan was seated on a chair and was looking intently at someone

I tried craning my neck further to see who it was. And my eyes fell on a beautiful girl who was seated opposite him

She had one hand resting on the armrest while another on her knee. She was wearing a short dress and her long, slender legs were almost touching Callahan’s shoes. Her hair fell in elegant waves upon her shoulder as she laughed at something

The two appeared to be talking to each other politely, and I even saw Callahan smile at her once or twice

Suddenly, I became selfaware of the dress I was wearing. I should have chosen something more appealing instead of dressing so plainly

But then I mentally scolded myself. Why did I care of what Callahan thought of my dress

I shook my head, and Elijah gently tapped on my shoulder. Hey, are you alright?” 

HuhI blinked and then added, Yeah, II am fine” 

He had brought a cup of coffee and handed it over to me

Are you sure? You look a little pale.” Elijah observed, and I gave him a small smile

I am just nervous.” 

He immediately came to stand beside me and spoke in a soft voice, Hey, Zen….can I call you Zen?” 

I nodded, and he continued, Listen, Zen. Callahan is a nice guy. He is not going to bite your head off for just wanting to help.” 

I gulped and could not help but cast a glance in the direction of his office. The girl was now leaning forward and had placed. a hand on Callahan’s hand and was murmuring something softly

It was hard to see her face as her hair fell forward, blocking my view of his face, but from this angle, they seemed close, too close

My idiotic brain decided to remind me of the way Callahan had kissed me and I felt goosebumps spring up all over my 


The coffee cup dropped from my hand and I fumbled, II think I am feeling sick” 

Elijah called out to me, but I could not stand there anymore, not with Callahan kissing that girl and doing God knows what 


I tried to swallow the tears that were threatening to leak and dabbed my eyes quickly

Elijah came running towards me and stopped me

Zen, what is the matter? Did I do something?” 

I shook my head. I was not even sure what I was feeling or why. It was not as if I had any claim on Callahan or that I could. even dream of him

Yet, I was beginning to feel things for him, things I had never felt for anyone. It was too confusing

Nonothing. I think I am still a little sick,” 1 mumbled, and then I heard the door of the office open

The lock clicked softly and Callahan stepped out, dressed in the same blue shirt and black pants I had seen him in a while 


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