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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30 


Chapter 30 

You you are going through the shifting. The first shift, especially for late bloomers, is always painful. But it will barely last for it the longer you try to deny it. Accept the pain, embrace it, and tell your wolf you are eager to meet her.” 

What?I asked in shock but he only replied, Do itand then added under his breath, You are a warrior, prove it.” 

Something about the way he said those words gave me a newfound confidence. I dug my hands into the soil, yanking off the grass and plants as iny fingers sunk into the hard ground

He said, but I could only nod my head in response

Focus on the fact that you are going to meet your wolf soon. Focus on that. Endure the pain. It will go away. soon

He said, but it was easier said than done

I rolled on the forest floor through the grass and tried to get up but my knees felt weak and I slumped back to the ground again

My breathing was labored, and I was feeling nervous and annoyed. Callahan put a hand on my back to calm me and spoke in 

a calm voice

You are strong. Zenovia. You can do it. When you shift, you want to be comfortable. And your dress is a bit tight.” 

He tried to help me but I let out a scream. I just wanted him to detach my bones from my body because every single one of them was hurting

Callahan took a pause and replied, There is not much I can do. Perhaps, your clothing is restricting your wolf. Do you want me to take it off?” 

I could not even think of decency at this moment. All of my mind was focused on wanting to get rid of the pain

So, I simply screamed. Do it” 

Callahan fumbled a bit but his hands found the hook of the dress and the zipper and pulled it down, stopping at the waist where the zipper ended

I immediately felt the cold air brush my skin and the pain alleviated a bit. I was feeling feverish and was sweating so the cool air helped a bit

Take it offI screamed and he pulled it off my legs as I writhed on the ground, covering myself in mud

Next, he reached for the chemise that covered my torso and thighs and attempted to take it off. But the fabric got stuck while taking out and it felt as if he was choking me

A wave of irritation swept up my head and I simply opened my mouth wide and bit him hard. My teeth sunk into his flesh. but he did not even utter a word, nor did he shake me away

Biting into his hand helped as my scream was muilled and I tried to fight the pain

He had only stilled for a moment, but let me bite into his hand to fight the pain before I loosened my grip. Afterward, he took the chemise off and pushed the hair aside while blood dripped down his arm

Better?He asked, and I did feel a tad better

The clothes had been too tight and my bones immediately felt a bit more free. But he had not taken off my underwear and bra

I felt my chest tightening and tried to claw at my chest, but my hands could not stay still. My fingers were shaking as I tried to reach for the bra and take it off

Callahan way watching me struggle, and I simply eyed him. What are you staring at? Help me 

He only blinked, but crouched forward and reached for my panties. His fingers brushed my skin and he tore the flimsy fabric off in an instant

I felt myself lulling to sleep as the wind breeze felt chilly against my naked skin. Callahan fumbled with the clasp of my bra and swore under his breath

Why the fuck do you wear something so complex?” 

I would have told him the bra hook at the back was only there for an added layer of security should the little clasps come off while running or doing any physically intense activity

But I was too busy fighting the sleep and pain

He fumbled with the buttons and the clasp for a moment and when he could not he simply yanked that piece of fabric off my body

Chapter 30 

But his words had made sense. I did feel that my clothes were stopping me from transforming and, despite being naked in front of an unknown man; I did not feel any threat

Callahan slowly pulled my head on his lap and murmured. You are going to have a beautiful wolf, little lamb” 

And then I felt something transform into me. There was a new voice in my head that was definitely not mine

In an instant, I found myself covered in fur, my hands replaced with strong feet and my mouth elongated into a muzzle

But before I could rejoice in the glory of having transformed, my spine seemed to crack under the pressure and I fell back to the ground again

Hey, it is okay, you are alrightCallahan reached for me and pulled me into his lap

I opened my eyes and felt him caressing my cheek


Did I transform or not? Moving was an effort, but I still raised my hand and raised it to see that I had turned human again

Tears stung in my eyes. Had I failed the transformation

My eyes held a questioning gaze as I looked up at Callahan. He caressed my check. You did fine. Don’t worry, you are just tired.” 

He said, and I asked, Did you did you see my wolf?” 

Callahan hesitated a bit and answered, You are too tired, Zee. Let me get you inside your room.” 

He took his coat off, which was way big for me, and draped it around my body. The pain had disappeared, but now there was just a dull ache in my body and bones

I did not have much energy to argue with him, so I let him gather me in a heap and lift me up in his arms

By the time he walked back into the mansion grounds, everybody was staring at the two of us

Elijah’s eyes fell on us and he registered the way I was draped in Callahan’s coat and my hair disheveled

He came forward and looked at me in concern. Zen, what happened to you? Are you okay?” 

I gave him a tired smile, Yes, I am” 

I tried to answer further and explain the situation, but Callahan gave him a curt reply. She just went through her shift” 

At that, Elijah’s face brightened, and he sighed in relief

Oh wow, that is great to hear.” 

Cynthia came running towards us after hearing the commotion and tried to hide her jealousy as she saw me lying in Callahan’s arms and wearing nothing except his coat


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