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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31 


Cynthia waited for a solid one minute to ensure that they were well out of earshot before coming towards me

So, when you realized that Callahan was inclined to dance with me, to choose me as a mate, you come up with a solid plan to snatch him from me?” 

She asked while placing her hands on her hips

No, that is not what I was tryingI replied weakly while reaching for a glass of water beside the bed

My throat suddenly felt dry and I wanted to drink some water. Cynthia reached for the jug and poured water into the glass and held it in front of me

But instead of giving it to me, she held it high above her head, away from my reach

What are you doing?I croaked and she asked me in the same cunning voice

That is what I asked you. Why are you after my man? Are you forgetting who you are, bloody breeder??” 

I tried explaining I had not done any such thing

He was dancing with you. I was not even on the dance floor. I was sitting by my side, in a corner, away from everyone.” 

She gritted her teeth, Don’t you try to act smart with me! You act all innocent and then pretend to be saintly so that Callahan will look at you. There was no need for you to attract attention to yourself if you wanted to sit in a corner. I see what you are doingplaying these little games.” 

I did not even hear half the things she was blabbering, my focus was on the glass and wanting to reach that

I would have grabbed it myself and thrown her out of my sight but I was too weak and trembling. The transformation had not happened completely, that much I could make out from Callahan’s eyes and the way he had shot me a look of 


I was too sad by my incomplete shifting to even bother with her taunts and tantrum

Please just go, I want to rest,I said in a resigned voice, knowing that anything I offered as an explanation will fall on deaf 


Yes, rest all you want. Do not dare to even step out of this room for the rest of the night. Or I will skin. you alive.” 

She said and finally gave me the water glass. I feared she would throw it on my face again but she let me and I gulped it down instantly

I felt a bit better but I was still feeling parched

See, I can be nice if you listen to me, right?She poured another glass and handed it to me, which I gulped thirstily again

So, as I said I will have some girl talk with you, let me inform you something. We often shift when we reach our 18th birthday and if that chance is missed, then it happens whenever our birthday falls on a full moon next. I know it is not your birthday today so don’t even try to explain how you got insecure that Callahan would pick me. I understand your jealousy, every girl wants to be in my place but you have to understand that it is not possible.” 

I wiped the back of my hand as she leaned forward, and since I feel very generous I will also tell you why that is the case. You see, my father, alpha West, is the only alpha who has managed to gain Callahan’s trust over all these years. He helped Callahan defeat a few rogues and build up a loyal army when he was just starting. And, my father, is highly regarded in the werewolf community. If he manages to convince the rogue leader, they are going to stop with their stupid acts.” 

I blurted out stupidly, Then why is he not doing it?” 

She laughed and flipped her hair, You are really too naive and dumb. Nobody does anything for anyone for free. Obviously, if Callahan needs my father’s help, he has to marry me to show he will not exploit my father’s generosity.” 

But he is the King. How can he be forced to do anything?I asked, unable to help himself

She laughed. Stupid girl. That is how alliances are built. At most, you can be Callahan’s breeder which I heard you already are but let me make this clear to you. You are never going to be his queen. I am going to take the crown and throw you out. if you ever become a pain in the ass. So, I am warning you to stay low and away from him.” 

I gulped

It was not as if I wanted to stay with him either. I was twentyone, well past the age of even late bloomers so I had always assumed that I was wolfless

But somehow, I had a partial transformation today. And for what it i worth, I wanted to be a werewolf

Chapter 31 

I did not like being weak and gullible so I wished to return to the human city tonight but fate played an unexpected twist, thwarting all my plans

I had yet to even have a complete shift and I had already writhed on the ground. If I go to the human city and unexpectedly have my second shift while being surrounded by humans, they will surely throw me in the mental hospital, thinking that I had some mental physical disorder

I could never explain to them what I was and why I had been screaming in pain. They would never understand me

No, I had to stay in the werewolvesworld and get my shifting and wolf in control before I left. And as much I hated to admit, now I was stuck here

Not that I could tell this to Cynthia who was basking in her own superiority

I did not know what to reply to her as I was confused about my life and future. Thankfully, the doors opened and Cynthia immediately began speaking sweetly to me

Oh yes, I know. The first shift is always painful. I think you should go sleep now.” 

Drusilla stepped in and came to sit beside me worriedly, Hey, Ej and Matt told me about your shift. How are you feeling?” 

Cynthia waved at her, Hey Drusilla, you really look fabulous today.” 

Drusilla smiled back at her, You too” 

Cynthia then turned to look at me and reached for my hand, smiling sweetly. Remember what I said to you today, okay? Just take a rest, I will take your leave now.” 

I only nodded to her as she walked out and closed the door behind her, staring at me intently while Drusiall’s back was turned towards her

Ok, so how do you feel?She asked me and I offered weakly, As if I went through a skewer?” 

Drusilla laughed. I am so sorry. I should not ask when I have no idea what it was like for you. I always heard stories of others of how their first shift was painful while they gradually learned the process and how to not pass out under their Alpha’s supervision.” 

I smiled at her, No worries. Until a few hours ago, I did not know that either.” 

Cynthia’s words were still lingering in my mind and so I asked Drusilla, So the ball? Was the event a success?” 

Drusilla’s eyes perked up at the question

Well it is still going on but yes it is a success. Everybody was impressed by the arrangements, the flower decorations, and stuff. You deserve appreciation and congratulations.” 

Drusilla clapped and cheered for me but I was in no mood to celebrate. I only smiled weakly and she added, Well, it looks like you are feeling quite tired so how about I let you sleep then? If you need anything, give me a call, okay


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