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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33 


Chapter 33 

I stepped outside and heard the unmistakable sound of the wolves howling. What the fuck was going on

I threw around a confused look and I saw they all had a dazed look on their faces. My beta and gamma had left the ball to leave a few guests and girls whose packs were quite far from my mansion

I did not want anyone to get hurt so I instructed them to drop the ladies home safely. That left just me in the mansion. along with the servants and maids

The wolves were howling and trying to trespass my front yard but when I showed up a few of them put their tails in between their legs and ran away

All this while, I could also smell the scent wafting at me as the soft breeze carried it to me. My feet turned around automatically and I saw myself walking in the direction of the scent

After five minutes, I was in the backyard looking around through the dark to ascertain the source

And then I heard a noise, a soft whimper. My ears pricked and I immediately launched myself into the bushes

When I parted the leaves, I saw Zenovia lying on the ground, twitching again

When I reached her, she immediately got on her fours and the intensity of the scent hit me with full force

Zenovia was in heat and that was the reason the wolves were all howling around the mansion

FuckI cursed in my mind as I tried to make her get up

Zee, you cannot be here. I told you to stay inside the room, right?” 

I asked but she was not in a condition to listen. I amI am sorry. I tried butbut Ithis is too much..” 

She tried to explain but was probably feeling too shy to speak those words out loud to me

The wolves were drawn in by her scent as she was an unmated female and they wanted to mark her

And I could not let that happen

Not because I wanted to mark her but she was not ready yet. Her transformation had been incomplete and her body was probably in an overdrive

I had not smelled such a strong scent of any unmated female before and I had been around plenty of females when they awakened their wolves

Something was clearly wrong with her and her wolf. But now was not the time to make her understand that

Zenovia’s eyes lit up with desire as she stared at me and crawled near my legs

I….I am not sure what is happening to me. I have this….this urge totoShe tried to speak and tugged at her hair, trying to explain her predicament to me

To want to be claimed by a wolf. I understandI said and I felt a slight tinge of relief flooding her eyes

II am sorry, I think I should stay away from you for tonight.She said and got up from the ground

But I stopped her, Are you out of your mind? I know what you are going through. Your transition has been weird and your hormones are messing with you. Do you think I would let you go alone in the woods?” 

However, Zenovia shook her head, You don’t understand. 1I am feeling thingsodd things…..I should not be with you right now.” 

She said as her eyes tried to hide the desire pooling in her eyes. And as much as I knew that it was her heat forcing her to feel all those things, I was happy that all of that was being subjected to me

Ever since I had seen her, I was intrigued by her and now she had blossomed into a wolfor at least starting to

The wolves let out a howl outside again and I did not wait for her to respond. I simply pulled her close and threw her on my shoulder as I began walking inside.. 

On the way I instructed the servants to keep all the doors and windows perfectly locked so that no intruder would slip in

After that, I walked back upstairs as she tried to get off my hold. And the fact that her scent was even closer to my face, making me lose my restraint was killing me

I coiled my hands into fists as I climbed up the last flight of stairs and threw the door open with my foot



Chapter 33 

I placed her on the bed and meant to close the door but she was beside me in an instant. Her wolf was showing up in flickers of random outbursts I guessed

Please, I.I can’t control myself. This is driving me mad. Ddo you have something to put me to sleep?” 

She asked but I knew the answer to that. Even if I did put her to sleep, her body will keep releasing the scent and the wolves would try to break in

There was only one way to save her from the wolves. I either had to find out her mate and throw him in her face or I had to mark her myself

When I would mark her or her mate would do that, she would no longer be an availablefemale. An alpha’s mark worked as well as the mate’s mark

But the problem was that I did not want her to wake up tomorrow and regret this decision. So, I nodded, Fine, I will find you a sleeping pill” 

I began walking outside but she pulled me close again. Please, can you not leave me alone tonight? I feel anxious and 


Sure, I will return with the pill shortly,” I said and walked out. When I returned she had changed into a nightgown

My heart ached a bit to know that she was no longer dressed in just my coat but I did not show it

Zenovia begged me to help her and as much as I did not want her to think I was taking advantage of her situation, I could not say no to her innocent face

I was not even sure if she realized her scent was mouth watering and staying near her but not doing anything to calm Beast 

would drive me nuts

She looked perplexed with her hormones driving her crazy while her rational brain not wanting to just give in to the desire and just let anyone mark her

Yeah, it seemed like she had more restraint and resolve than I did. I let out a sigh and pulled her into a hug as she whispered

The wolvestheir howlingit feels as if they are standing just next to me. My senses are exploding too.” 

She spoke as she buried her face in my shirt. Yeah, I had forgotten that. She was also going through a sensory overload

Usually, the females go in heat a little late but since she was a late bloomer, I think everything was happening to her at 


Zenovia was afraid and she looked at me with uncertain eyes. I held her face in my hands and cupped her innocent face

Yeah, just know that all of this is part of what you are now. You are a werewolf, just like us. You are no ordinary wolfless girl.” 

I smiled at her and she gave me a radiant smile while trying to not sob

Thank you. You are a very wellbuilt lycan as wellShe said, trying to hide her blush. And Beast growled low in the back of my head

She is complimenting me. I want to meet herHe insisted but I only glared at him

Shut up” 

Thankfully, he went quiet. 

And I slowly guided her to bed. I think you need some rest. Get some sleep and you will feel better tomorrow” 


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