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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32 

The dance with Zenovia had driven Beast on the edge. He was getting harder to control and my restraint was slipping day by day as the innocent girl stayed just a few rooms away from me, right under my roof

I had every right to touch her, to claim her, yet it felt awfully wrong. She definitely was not using her body or looks to woo me yet I was feeling attracted to her

And Beast was making things hard for me with his constant bickering. That is also why I wanted to find a solution to his growing irritation

Beast was a Lycan, a wild animal who had to mate, unlike humans, who could control their desires. And ever since noticing that she was affecting me, Beast made it a point to put scandalous thoughts in my brain involving her

It was as if I was not only at war with the outside world but also with my Lycan. What Drusilla had been saying so far of my Lycan wanting to take control had seemed like an event that was decades away, but from the past few weeks, I began to notice that it was already unfolding

Hence, I had reluctantly agreed to go to the ball, but Cynthia just did not make me feel the way Zenovia did. Just what was so special in her

Maybe, I liked a challenge

And Zenovia had looked absolutely gorgeous in that off shoulder dress of hers that I was itching to tear away off her body and take a look at the treasure hidden beneath it

So, I was totally taken off guard when I found her lying on the ground, howling in pain. I did tear off her clothes, just like she asked, but she was in too much pain for me to even focus on her body

She was frail and tiny, her long slender legs were covered in little scars that I wanted to kiss and take away all her pain. And those sweet little breasts were perfect for me to squeeze and play with

King Callahan, so do you agree to the deal?” 

I heard a voice speaking to me, but I was too busy imagining how it would feel to kiss those perky little breasts of my little lamb

Huh? What?” 

I asked, and Alpha West tried not to frown

The deal, King. I am supposed to have a meeting with the rogue leader and placate him.” 

Hmm, well, if you cannot put sense into him, I can simply put his head on a spike to show his minions what it means to go against us.” 

Alpha West leaned forward, his brows furrowed

I understand, but that will only make another one take his place and start this all over again. It is not necessary for you to step in every little fight and take off those filthy rogues. They are beneath you, King.” 

He said while looking around the table where the other alphas were seated. I stole a glance at my beta, who gave me a subtle nod, wanting to agree with Alpha West

Very well. Have your friendly conversation with this leader and ensure that he learns to watch his step because I am not. very lenient when it comes to giving out punishment.” 

I warned him and gave me a short bow. Very well, King” 

The meeting had been dragging on for hours and I presented the few clauses I wanted changed between the treaty he was going to propose to the rogue leader

I also had some amendments for pack leaders to renew and ensure nobody came bickering to me, arguing the other party stole their warriors or attacked unnecessarily

By the time, the meeting was over and everything signed, my head felt on fire. The alphas left the meeting room, and I even asked Mateo and Elijah to leave me alone for a few minutes so that I could clear my head

They left as I leaned back in my chair, my head thrown back as I heard the footsteps of people leaving

However, when I opened my eyes, I saw Cynthia walk inside. She offered me a smile and was holding a tray in her hands

Why would you do that?” 

I asked as she brought the tray inside with some cups and saucers

Chapter 32 

I sensed that the meeting was tiring, and you needed something refreshing” 

She said, and I smiled at her. Cynthia set the tray on the table and began preparing the coffee


Just one spoon” 


A little” 

She plucked a stirrer off the tray and stirred the coffee for a while before handing the cup over to me


I took a sip and had the coffee. It was not my usual drink, but the hot and slightly strong taste made me feel a bit refreshed

Thank you, but you really did not have to do this” 

Cynthia replied. I am just getting used to my future life with you” 

She said with a smile and as much as I wanted to not crush her hopes, I could not help but blurt

You do understand that we are not mates. I am never going to find one while you can. Don’t sacrifice your life for a person who is not yours.” 

Her bright smile disappeared as she pushed a lock of hair back. I believe marriage is a powerful bond, much like the mate bond. And two people who might not be mates can still coexist and live happily together.” 

Cynthia said with a tinge of hope, and I rubbed my temple. She had always been nice and sweet to me, even a little flirty, but that was the case for almost every girl who spoke to me

Yes, but you do not have to give up on your mate because of me, Cynthia. I can talk to your father and change his mind. If we both disagree to this union, you are free to wait for your mate.” 

Cynthia bit her lower lip nervously. Can I tell you something?” 

I took another sip as she continued. II will be honest with you that I have a crush on you. There is no use denying that. You might not feel the same for me right now, but trust me when I say this, my father is not really forcing me into this 


She said, and I did not know how to make it less awkward. She was beautiful; she was intelligent, and she had alpha genes. in her body. She would definitely make a nice Luna and be a great addition to any pack

But I did not feel a thing for her. And I did not want to be so cruel as to make someone leave their future for me

Listen Cynthia. You are a nice girl and now you might feel obligated to obey your father, but what will happen when your mate shows up? Will you really have the courage to reject him? For me? I am cursed, you know that.” 


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