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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45 

Chapter 45 



I muttered but Callahan had turned around and was walking towards the car. I stayed there, rooted to the spot as he went towards the car that the driver had already brought outside

Callahan only gave me a side eye and I promptly climbed down the small flight of stairs before running towards him

He gave me a sideeye and I meekly went towards his car, rather one of the cars. His garage was on the right and there were 

a lot of cars inside that I could not get a glimpse of but they had all looked shiny and luxurious to me

But he only opened the door of the car and got in the driver’s seat. Turning the ignition on, he steered the car in the direction of the gate

He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and kept waiting for me to get in

He did not speak to me but simply increased the firing of the car while staring straight ahead

After nervously staring at him for some time, I slowly stepped inside the car and got in the seat next to him

1 closed the door and he did not even let me settle in the seat and simply hit the accelerator and drove outside through the large pathway

What the-I began but decided to stay shut because I did not want him to take out his anger on me

Callahan drove like a madman through the streets that were wide and not many cars dared to get into his way. Not knowing what else to do I found the seatbelt and wanted to put it on but fumbled with it because he was driving the car as if we were in some stupid race

I tried to look outside but the roads seemed blurry and all I could see was a trail of green and brown dotted with some buildings here and there

I placed my hands on the seat and dug my nails into it, hoping that he would not kill me today

I could see the city lights twinkling from a few feet away and felt relieved that I would not be in this car for more than a few minutes

I closed my eyes and tried hard not to puke as Callahan finally stopped the car outside a shop

The car gave a jolt and I was slammed into the seat before he turned off the ignition. In the next minute, he was out of the car and slammed the door shut, making my ears hurt

He did not look at me nor did he even say a word to me but simply stalked off and went into the shop

I took a few minutes to gasp for breath and calm down my raging heart. I was afraid of speeding and it terrified me

And I had a feeling if I told him, Callahan would have driven the car even faster, launching it into the sky

After my heartbeat had calmed down a little, I got outside the car and with shaky legs stumbled outside

Everybody in the shop was already standing in front of Callahan with their heads bent low and their hands folded in the front

The store manager, a middle aged woman, promptly offered him a chair and gave him a low bow

She was eyeing him as if he was a delicious candy. And not just her, all the salesgirls in the shop were eyeing him hungrily. But Callahan did not seem fazed by the looks he was getting. He sat on the chair, with his right leg’s ankle resting on the left leg’s knee, and gave them a bored look

Hello, my King. How can I help you today?” 

She did not wait for the King to answer and hurriedly looked at her staff

What are you waiting for? Get some refreshments for the King.” 

The girls who had been staring dazedly at him ran outside to get him something to drink” 

However, he pulled out his phone and began checking something. Meanwhile, I slowly stepped towards the transparent glass 


I had halfopened it and was about to step inside when the woman shouted at me

Shoo, go away, the shop is closed for now.” 

I began, But I-” 

She stomped her feet and came near the door, Did you not hear me, you filthy girl? You don’t even have the money to afford a shampoo, forget stepping inside my shop!!” 



Chapter 45 

She glared at me and I tried to smoothen my hair to the best of my ability

Listen, I came here with-” 

Security. Throw her out of my sight” 

She slammed the door and the guards came rushing towards me. Callahan had been watching all of this or ignoring all of this, I was not sure what exactly, but he did not intervene

He let the shop owner call me names and only when the security guards were about to touch me did he look up from his phone

That girl is with me, she needs a phone” 

Upon hearing his words, the security guards promptly stepped away and the woman’s face paled visibly


Callahan did not bother clarifying and got busy on his phone again. The woman looked at me from head to toe and gave me a disgusted look

People like you leech off rich people all the time” 

Wait? Did she think I was a roadside beggar or a homeless person that Callahan had taken pity on and wanted to gift me something nice

I felt hot tears pricking at the back of my eyes but I did not want to create a scene. The woman did not apologize and neither did Callahan reprimand her for his actions

1 stepped inside the small but lavish shop and was immediately hit by the cool AC air and the soft fragrance lingering in the 


The sales girls who had run outside to get him something to drink returned carrying chilled bottles of soft drinks

One of them opened the bottle while another slipped a straw inside it. A third one placed it on a small serving tray and held it in front of him

Sir, please have some refreshments.She said, blushing hard. The girl was bending a little, giving him a peek of her bosom as the of her shirt was open

Callahan did not even bother looking at her and picked up the bottle from the tray and took a sip

Her face fell but she stepped aside meekly while the shop owner began

Show this girl some cheap and basic phone for her to use. This kindhearted man decided to gift her a phone.” 

At that the girls stared at Callahan with even more appreciation and I rolled my eyes. Technically, I was not paying for the phone but then I had never asked for one

He was letting them humiliate me while he was behaving as if he did not even know me

I could not understand what had gotten into him

One of the salesmen, a young man, who was standing in the corner looked at me with pity

I went to the counter as the shopowner barked an order at him. Show her something cheap‘ 

She then turned to Callahan and began asking questions but he mostly ignored her

The salesman gave me a small smile. So, have you used one before?” 

He placed a few small phones with number keys on them and a few that looked like they were made of glass

I stared at the phones as if they were some alien treasure and he offered to help

Nowadays, touchscreen phones are fairly common.” 

He began explaining how to use one and I did not have much trouble learning it. I had seen Sid and plenty of others use it but I had never owned one though I knew how basic phones worked

As he explained the functions, he scribbled something on a piece of paper and pushed it towards me

Confused, I looked at the paper, but he placed a hand on it and pretended to be showing me the features of another phone

I looked around and saw that Callahan was still busy with the shop owner and the girls gushing over him

The salesman was a young boy, alinost my age, and he seemed decent to me. I slowly picked up the note and opened it after confirming that nobody was looking at me

When I opened the note, there was a question on it

Are you in trouble?TM 



Chapter 45 

My gaze flitted to him and he looked at me with concern. I looked back at Callahan and I felt unsure of the answer

I was not in real trouble per se but it felt like Callahan simply did not want me around

The salesman saw the way my eyes nervously traveled to Callahan before the salesman lowered his voice


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