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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 46

Chapter 46 

While the bill was being prepared, Harry gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back at him and walked away with Callahan, who the girls kept gawking at all the time. 

“Please, if you need anything else, you can give me a call and I will personally come to deliver whatever you want.” 

She smiled at him coyly, but he walked away without another glance at her or the rest of the staff. 

Callahan got in the car and started the ignition while I decided to first put on the seatbelt so that I would not get thrown around the car. 

I placed the gift-wrapped box on my lap and felt grateful to Harry who had thought of such a nice gesture. Surely, Callahan couldn’t care less if I was tossed the phone in a rag. 

I took the seat belt’s end and tried to push it into the lock, but it seemed stuck. I tried tugging and pulling at it, but it was of 

no use. 

Callahan kept his hands placed on the steering wheel and was looking at the other side, clearly indicating that he wanted nothing to do with ine. 

Frowning. I tried again, but it just did not budge. 

I let out an exasperated sigh and muttered, “Can you please help with the seat belt?” 

Callahan did not look at me, but his hands reached for the seatbelt and he tugged at it. When he tried locking it, it did not happen either. 

So he had to bend towards me a little. His hand brushed mine, and I felt a zap of energy course from the tip of my finger to all the nerve endings in my body. 

The touch left me wanting more. He was so close to me, so dangerously close. His face was near my chest and his head bent down as he was struggling with the seat belt as well. 

And I did not dare move with the way he was acting. I thought my body would not want him after the way he had been indifferent to me since that night. But it seemed like his touch had ignited that spark again. 

I began wildly imagining how it would feel to have his lips on my bare skin again. His hair was silky soft and dense and I fought my urge to run a hand through them as I kept my hands firmly glued to the seat and let him work. 

“Can you move a little?” He grunted, and I shuffled in my seat but that only pushed my chest on his face. 

Callahan went still for a moment and so did I. I feared he would yell at me for being purposely naughty, but he only closed his eyes and opened them again, took a deep breath, and resumed working. 

After what felt like an eternity, the lock finally clicked and he pushed himself away from me with the speed of lightning. Was he that annoyed by my touch? Did he also feel disgusted? 

I wondered, but I could not ask him that. I only cursed my body at the way it was reacting to his touch. 

“I muttered, but he only turned on the ignition 

“Thank began driving. This time, however, instead of driving like a maniac, he drove slow and nice. 

It was a relief that I did not have to fear for my life again. However, then I realized that we had another problem. 

The car was too big, but then it was just the two of us and the silence felt awkward to me. I did not know what to talk to him and I did not even want to, so I decided to look at the phone instead. 

I slowly unwrapped the plastic wrapper and opened the box. Inside it was a brand new and shiny mobile that looked very high end and expensive, not the small, basic one I had picked. 

I checked the box, wondering if they had somehow put in two instead of one, but there was just this one large mobile in it. Holding it in front of Callahan, I said, “There seems to be a problem. They gave me a big, expensive one. We need to go back and exchange it” 

However, he did not say a word and kept driving the car. His phone was lying in the small holder and I saw another message pop up in it 

Cynthia-I hope you will wear black. I am going to wear black too. It will be fun. 

Lignored the message again and let out a breath. 

“Are you listening to me? There is a mistake. They probably made you pay for an expensive one when I had picked a cheaper one. Can we go back, please?” 

I asked, and he took such a long pause that I did not think he would even speak. Annoyed, I removed the seat belt and turned to look at him. 


“What is wrong? Why are you not even talking to me?” 

But he only took a sharp turn, and it took me off-guard, making me slam into his arms. The unexpected turn made me fall into his lap and the car drove into a tree, slamming into it. 

The airbags came out, further pushing me onto his chest and I felt sandwiched in between a brick wall and a balloon. 

“Shit,” He muttered and kicked the car’s door out while grabbing me by the arms. Then we both fell on the ground, but as it was a slope, I slid down a little. 

He caught me before I would fall, but his foot slipped and I fell on him, his back landing on the ground with me on top of 


I was coughing and wheezing, and I feared he would throw me off himself immediately. But he only let me regain my breath while lying deathly still. 

Seeing that he was not going to help me, I slowly got up and he let me. After getting up, I brushed off the dirt and muck on my body and clothes while he sprang up like a coil and surveyed the car. 

“Go, dial Matt’s number and tell him to send a car to pick us up” 

He ordered without looking at me as he removed his coat and I saw the pristine white shirt beneath it. 

The shirt fit him perfectly well and I could see his corded muscles and ripped physique hiding beneath it. 

I went towards my phone and picked it but then I realized I did not have Matt’s number. 

“L..I don’t have his number,” I said while Callahan pulled open the hood and began surveying the damage. 

“I know. Call from my phone,” He said without looking up and I went to retrieve his phone from the car. 

I unlocked the screen with a simple swipe and I saw his inbox was open. I did not want to but there were literally a dozen or more messages, a long conversation of him with Cynthia. 

Even if I wanted to, I did not open the messages and fumbled a bit with the layout of the phone before finding the keypad, especially because every other second Cynthia kept sending messages. 

Cynthia- Please choose which one should I wear today. 

The message popped up, and I accidentally clicked it open. Along with the message, she sent two images. There were two black dresses, both extremely short and revealing. 

My brain began imagining Cynthia lying on his office table and seducing him as Callahan roamed his hands over her. It flared a spark of jealousy in me and I began to tremble. 


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