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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 80

Chapter 80 


Callahan was standing close to me, too close. His breath tickled my ear when he whispered that. 

His strong scent filled my nostrils, and it made me feel giddy. His cologne was just as mouthwatering as him. 

I tried not to show how much him being close affected me, and I gulped before I found my voice. 


I felt proud of the way my voice did not tremble as he slowly stepped 


“You do have strength. We have to work on your stamina. And the fact that you worked out for almost 2 hours without grumbling tells me that your first shifting, though incomplete, helped.” 

Helped? How? 

I looked up at him in confusion. Those golden eyes looked pools of honey as they caught the sunlight peeking in through the window slits. 

My question must have been obvious in the way I stared at him, because he answered, 

“No ordinary human should be able to withstand such strenuous workout on their first day, not without a wolf, if only barely” 

He offered, but that confused me even more. 

“You think humans are too weak and fragile?” I muttered, but he was not offended by the remark. 

“By no means, I said humans are weak. I just meant it would take a lot of time and effort to build stamina and endurance. That is why young girls and boys have to start training early. So that they have a good physical body that would be able to withstand 

Pase Pressure of shifting when their 

wolf first shows up. Even then, a dr 




Did that mean he had only been pushing me to test my limits? To help me become strong sooner? 

If that was the case, he had a very crude way of achieving that. Not to 


mention I had not forgotten how he said he did not want any weaklings in the pack. 

“What do I have to do?” 

I asked, and he shrugged. “Just attack me.” 

At that I stared at him, open mouthed. “I am sorry?” 

I uttered automatically, but he shrugged, “I know you are but do as I say” 

I mentally rolled my eyes at that, but let out a huff. “Or should I say, try to attack me.” 

He corrected his words to add the word ‘try’ and I did not miss that. 

Preparing myself for the challenge, I pulled my ponytail up in a tight bun and held my hands in front of me. 

“Ready?” He asked, and I nodded and threw a fist. 

Callahan simply pivoted to the left, and my fist hit the empty air. “Again” 

He ordered, and I threw the other hand at him, but even this time he ducked effortlessly. 


I pulled my hand back and aimed a punch at his abdomen instead of face this time. I could not touch him yet again. 

For the next twenty minutes or so, I kept kicking and punching, swirling and jumping all in an effort to land a hit on him. 

It should have been easy given his huge size, but he was as sneaky as a cat. His reflexes were too smooth for me. 

I was panting and sweating, the t-shirt sticking to my body as I tried and tried, but could not hit him. 

After I could not move anymore, I stopped while pushing the hair that had escaped the bun away from my face. 

And in front of me was the Lycan King smirking at me, apparently highly pleased with himself. 

“This is no way to train,” I grumbled, and he reached for a bottle to slowly take a sip. 

He put his lips to the bottle and took two small sips before holding it in front of me. 

“You have burned more calories than you would ever by just hopping like a kangaroo and having my gamma keep a watch on you.” 


I curled my hands into fists. “Look, you said you would train me and you can see I am trying. But its not fair. You are stronger than me. I bet you would be panting if it was a one vs two battle. There is no need to be so snobbish all the time.” 

The smirk on his face widened, and I realized I had just given him more reason to amuse himself. Maybe he liked playing cat and mouse with me. “You think so?” He asked, and I snapped, 

“Yes. Get Elijah and Matt to train with you. Maybe let them tackle you in a spar. Then let me see if you can handle two at a time.” 

Callahan snorted as if I had said the stupidest thing ever. “Of course, they will never try to push you down and go easy on you because you are their King” 

The snort disappeared, and I saw that my words wiped off the smile from his face. 

Good. I thought. 

That smirk was making me imagine scandalous thoughts of him pinning me down on the floor and- 

“Focus on your training,” He said bluntly, and I reached for the bottle while trying to hide my annoyance. Before my fingers could curl around the bottle, he pulled his hand up, making my eyes go wide. 

was not done yet. I’jumped 

around him as he kept 

“Not again” I made an impatient noise, but he up on my feet and sprang up, throwing my hands pushing the bottle away from my reach. 

By now the slow smile had turned into a grin as I jumped and sprang all around him like a little rabbit, but the wolf still held the carrot away from my reach. 

I had to try another means and trick him a little. Thus, I kept bouncing on my heels and showed as if I was still trying to reach for the bottle, but quickly went behind him and raised my hands up. 

He was taken aback when I tried to sneakily grab the bottle from him. But that was barely for a second because the next second his hand went around my waist, grabbed me and plucked me off the floor. 

While I was jumping around, my tee rode up a little, so when Callahan picked me up, his fingers brushed my bare skin. 

I had been completely focused on the bottle so the unexpected touch startled me, making me gasp in surprise. 

Hearing me gasp, he looked up at me, and my eyes locked with his. For a second, he just stood there, holding me up in his arms while staring me in the eye. 

His hair had curled on the sides and I had the mad urge to smoothen those and rustle his hair. His head was at my eye-level and those luscious locks were urging me to roam my fingers over them. 

“What happened?” He asked, and I blinked furiously, trying to ignore the way his fingers were still on my waist. 

“N-nothing,” I answered while trying to look away. 

That casual smirk returned a second later, and he asked, “So, you give up?” 

I nodded, and he gently put me down on the floor again. 

And when his hand pulled away, I was more sad than relieved at the loss of touch. It had been a while since those hands had touched me. 

All this while, he had been guiding me, but somehow never touched me. And the little brush had ignited a spark inside of me again. 

I turned around to calm my raging heart. The accidental brush of his hand and the precious few seconds in which he had held me…. I had felt something stir inside of me. 

Though I could not quite understand what it was. I just felt a torrent of emotions rage at once before dying down. 


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