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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 81

Chapter 81 

For the next three weeks, all I did was train, force food down my throat and sleep. Callahan was a strict teacher and, though I knew it would be impossible for me to gain superhuman strength in such a short time, he did not cut me any slack. 

Every morning I woke up at 5 am, ran to his gym where he kept pushing me until I could not move anymore and then made me exercise some more. 

He was a maniac, but I was beginning to see the results. Callahan would always be waiting for me in the gym, wearing his shorts and a vest or loose t-shirt and we both fell into a routine of exercising. 

At first, I hated him because he pushed me a lot, but when I began to see the changes in my body, I felt it was worth the effort. 

The full moon was inching closer. All my bets were on becoming strong enough to awaken my wolf. 

I was not sure if it would happen, but I had to try. And Callahan was always strictly professional when it came to my gym regime. 

One such afternoon when I was lying on the gym floor, panting and sweating after having worked out for hours. He was not in the gym and I waited and waited for him to show up, but he was probably tired and just taking an extended nap. 

I swear I never saw him mutter that he wished to sleep or just rest. He would either go to his meetings, poke his face in the 

files or train. 

That man worked like the world would end if he stopped, so it was natural that at some point he would feel a burnout. 

And as much as I grumbled while training with him, his absence hurt me more than I wished to admit. 

I had gotten used to our lessons together and would always look forward to seeing him. Somehow, seeing his face the first thing in the morning, even if he put me through hellish training, made my heart flutter. 

My gaze flicked to the clock on the wall as I saw the time. It was almost time for lunch, and there was no sign of Callahan. 

My gaze drifted to my phone, that was lying on the side. I never quite worked up the courage to start chatting with him. 

I would always wonder what to text him and how to take the conversation ahead. Hence, I would only send him a one word reply whenever he texted me. 

Which he hadn’t this time. 

Wiping the sweat off my brow, I stepped out of the gym. And the smell of something sweet and sugary hit 

My stomach rumbled at that. 



I hastily went to the kitchen and saw that the kitchen was in full swing. There were a lot of preparations going on. Maria was shouting orders at everyone who was busy doing something or the other. 

I stayed by the door, looking at all of it with an amused smile. Maria turned around while giving some more orders and her gaze fell on me. 

“Oh, I am so sorry. Today is a busy day. I will get you your lunch soon.” She offered. 

But my gaze was only on the tray in her hand. 

Soft and creamy chocolate muffins that she had freshly taken out of the oven. 

My stomach rumbled again at that sight, and my mouth watered. 

“Can I have one?” I asked her, but she shook her head. 

“Not if I want to stay alive. We have been ordered to give you a strict diet and I am sticking to that” 

My face fell/It wouldn’t harm if I ate just one muffin, right? 

But Maria was too busy to argue with me. 

“Just what is the fuss about? Why is the kitchen so busy?” 

Maria placed the tray of muffins on the side table to cool down and began pouring the batter in the moulds. 

“Nothing unusual. King Callahan does not like that the rest of the pack stays in the pack house and he lives in this mansion. So occasionally he asks everybody to come over here for lunch or dinner.” 

“I see” I muttered. 

“Yeah, I believe he has been asking Elder Lina to come over since a long time but she loves the open forest more than the mansion. Calls it a golden prison.” 

Maria chuckled, and I could not find fault with that. 

His mansion was opulent and filled with tasteful furniture, but there was a certain charm to being surrounded by nature and 


“So they are coming to lunch today?” 

“I believe so. He went there to personally escort Elder Lina.” 

That woman had been quite stern to me and did not look at me as if I was worthy of being a pack member. 

Maybe that was why Callahan had never introduced me to the rest of the pack, because he knew they would not accept me easily. 

“Great then. I will simply stay in my room and pretend not to exist. You can skip sending the boiled stuff to my room. I am not that hungry either way” 

I added, earning a glare from Maria. 

“No, you are eating the stipulated diet. King Callahan and gamma Elijah both have given me ample lectures of why it is important for you.” 

I bit my lip nervously, and her gaze softened. She walked over to me and I saw the flour stuck to her dress and hair. 

Dusting it off with my hands, I helped her get rid of it as she took my hand in hers. 

“I understand how you are feeling. But I am sure you will awaken your wolf this coming full moon. You are working very hard for it” 

So she knew it. Maybe that is why she was so adamant about not letting me get a cheat day. 

I smiled at her and gently squeezed her hand, “alright. I will head to shower. I don’t want to cross paths with Elder Lina” 

I admitted, and she chuckled, “She is like a stern grandma, but she is a softie once you win her over. Don’t hide from her. She won’t eat you.” 


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