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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 139

Chapter 139 

As Leonard entered the venue, a sense of bustling excitement engulfed him

A ma**ive banner was hanging on the innermost wall of the venue

Below the banner, neatly dressed hostesses and staff were all prepared

Below them was the area designated for media reporters, filled with cameras

Aside from that, there was a row of seats to the side, reserved for the VIPs attending today’s event

Afte; Leonard entered, Gracia immediately came to greet him and led him to the VIP seating area

Several wealthy individuals in the room, who had invested in the Santos Group, stood up to greet Leonard

Ethan, Waylon, and the others had not arrived yet, but judging from the time, they should be there soon

When Leonard took his seat, these people also retook their seats

Gracia, busy with various responsibilities, continued to oversee the event and whispered instructions to nearby staff

Not far away, the Santos Group’s employees and many media reporters looked at them in astonishment, whispering to each other

Who is this young man?” 

However, Kenia wasn’t surprised

She had suspected that Leonard might be a business partner of the Santos Group

Therefore, his invitation to the press conference was entirely expected

It was said that the press conference, there was also a luncheon scheduled to take place at the club

Mr. Santos, you’re here. Today is your shining moment,” 

said a wealthy man nearby

Leonard just smiled slightly

knowing that after today, those within the Galen Group who had doubted him would have a new opinion of him

Gracia served as the president of the Santos Group, and she had experienced many similar press conferences. But today, she was somewhat excited

As soon as news broke that Santos Group had received an investment of 120 billion dollars, Newden would undoubtedly be in an uproar

The news media present had only been informed about the Santos Group securing investments, but they didn’t know the 

exact amount

Undoubtedly, when everyone in the venue learned about the truth, they would be too shocked to speak

And Leonard would probably become the dream lover of many highsociety ladies

Soon, Ethan, Waylon, Reg, and the others arrived

All the wealthy people stood up to greet him

Their imposing presence silenced the entire press conference hall

Journalists, staff, and special guests were all present

Then, the press conference officially began

First, Gracia gave a speech as the CEO of the Santos Group

She thanked the journalists and then got straight to the point

Kenia, wearing her work badge, was bustling around in the conference hall

As she pa**ed by Leonard, she playfully made a face at him

Leonard nodded slightly to Kenia

Judy, on the other hand, had a look of eager anticipation. She had already decided that she would write an exceptional news article when the mysterious owner of the Santos Group appeared

At this point, Gracia cleared her throat and announced, The Santos Group has received investments from thirteen companies. Now, we invite these thirteen investors to the stage

The first one is Ethan Watts, Chairman of the Fox Bank



Chapter 139 

For the Santos Group, Mr. Watts has invested 10 billion dollars.” 

As Gracia spoke, the entire room erupted into a commotion

Ethan’s significance was immense. He was the head of the most powerful family in Newden, and Fox Bank was a place where only those with a**ets in the hundreds of millions could deposit their money

In a sense. Ethan was the king of this city, capable of determining the fate of many companies with just a single word

His investment in the Santos Group, regardless of the amount, had caught the attention of the entire city

A journalist whispered to Judy. We’re just realizing the Santos Group’s background. They were so quiet before, but it turns. out it’s connected to Ethan Watts, the most powerful man in Newden. They say the owner behind Santos Group is mysterious, but now it seems that his background is even more astonishing.” 

In the VIP section, Ethan stood up with a cheerful smile and strode toward the stage under the spotlight

A row of seats was prepared on the stage for Ethan and the other investors

Today, it was not just the Santos Group’s press conference. It was a joint press conference of thirteen companies announcing their investments in the Santos Group

As Ethan ascended the stage, Gracia’s voice rang out again

Waylon Lambert, Chairman of the Newden Chamber of Commerce, has invested 10 billion dollars…” 

The room once again erupted into wild discussions

Originally, people thought that Santos Group, with a market value of just four billion dollars, would only receive. investments of a few billion

Now, with just the investments from the first two companies totaling 20 billion dollars

Gracia just announced that there were thirteen companies investing in the Santos Group. Since the first two companies had invested so generously, the investments from the other companies wouldn’t be much lower

Mr. Reg Dewey, the head of the Dewey family, has invested 10 billion dollars” 

Reg waved and walked up to the stage

Three consecutive investors had each committed to 10 billion dollars

Many people started speculating

Could it be that all these people are investing 10 billion? If that’s the case, the Santos Group is going to skyrocket to a 120billiondollar company.” 

The journalists were getting excited

Judy opened her mouth slightly, realizing the tremendous impact this news would have

Mr. Mattius Clans, Chairman of the Easternlight Group, has invested 10 billion dollars

Chairman of the Valorie Group” 

As Gracia announced the names, the wealthy moguls walked up to the stage one after another

When the last name was called, the entire room fell into a stunned silence

There were 13 billion dollars in total investments. It was an astonishing amount

Many people felt their hearts pounding in astonishment


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