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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 140

Chapter 140 

Leonard stepped onto the stage under the spotlight

The atmosphere at the scene reached its peak

Gracia stood up first and motioned for Leonard to sit in the center while applauding

Ethan, Waylon, Reg, and other big shots all stood up one after another and showed enough respect for Leonard

With the flash of the cameras, the scene was captured and would soon appear on the first pages of major media.. 

Afte Leonard took his seat, everyone sat down one after another

At this time, the press conference came to the second part, and the reporters began to ask questions

A reporter was the first to get the interview. He picked up the microphone, smiled, and said, To be honest, I’m still a little stunned. I didn’t expect the president of the Santos Group to be a younger man than me. I thought you were an old man with gray hair.” 

His words made the people around burst into laughter

Mr. Santos, I’m curious. How did you get the investment from so many big shots?” 

Leonard leaned forward slightly and adjusted the angle of the microphone

Because the Santos Group can give them a return of hundreds and thousands of times on their investment… 

People applauded again, without caring if what Leonard said was true or not

Judy, who was sitting in the third row, quickly raised her hand, hoping for a chance to ask questions

Judy’s mind was buzzing, and she felt a little unbelievable

But what was happening was the truth

Lady, what questions do you have?” 

Leonard pointed to Judy’s position

Judy stood up excitedly

On the other side, Kenia looked at the scene in a daze

Next, many reporters bombarded Leonard with various questions

Some asked about the future development of the Santos Group and what projects it planned to invest in with so much 


Some people were also concerned about Leonard’s relationship, family background, etc. 

In the direction of the entrance, two staff members were dumbfounded

Did you see that? He is really the president of the Santos Group. Do you have anything to say?Albert said proudly

And to tell you a secret, he is my elementary school cla**mate.” 

Albert suddenly received admiring looks from the two staff members, which made him feel a little complacent

The press conference would be broadcast live on social media

As for the television, it would be placed on the news channel in the evening

In an apartment next to the square, Eileen was watching a romantic soap opera with Marianna

At this time, Eileen suddenly looked at her watch

The press conference of the Santos Group should have started at this time. Leonard made it so mysterious. It is said that several companies have invested in the Santos Group.” 


Marianna picked up the remote control and switched the TV channel to the online video software

Sure enough, it was a live broadcast of the press conference

At this moment, Gracia said, Mr. Watts, the president of Fox Bank, invested 10 billion dollars…” 

Then came the names of Waylon, Reg, and the other wealthy people

Marianna’s stiffened, and she found it incredible

In the end, the total investment amount this time was 130 billion dollars



Chapter 140 

Eileen’s eyes glistened with excitement

I didn’t expect the Santos Group would receive an investment of 130 billion dollars. From now on, it will be the number one enterprise in Newden.

Although the number was not big for the Rodgers family, it was simply a miracle for Leonard to make such a great achievement in business at a young age

At the same time, inside a private hospital in Newden

Melanie was pecing an apple for her son

A subordinate on the side came to her and said in a low voice, Madam, Ethan and others collectively invested in the Santos Group at its press conference. Now the market value of the Santos Group has reached 120 billion dollars.” 

Melanie’s hand trembled when she heard this, and the fruit knife instantly cut off a piece of flesh from her finger. It bled heavily, and the apple fell to the ground

Jason, who had a plaster on his hand, looked even more gloomy

Leonard’s violence yesterday had completely infuriated them

They were still thinking about how to suppress the Santos Group today. Unexpectedly, they soon heard the news it had become a company worth more than 120 billion dollars

Madam Rodgers, are you okay? I’ll call the doctor right away” 

The subordinate was about to leave in a hurry, but Melanie waved her hand

She took out two pieces of tissues from the side and put them on the cut. Her face was so dark

She stood up slowly and said in a cold voice, Leonard, it seems I have underestimated you

120 billion dollars. Even Ethan is supporting you, but the last thing you should do is offend the Rodgers family

Even though you’re under the spotlight today, our family can still crash you tomorrow.” 

After speaking, she took out her phone, dialed a number, and said indifferently, Inform the Rodgers family through the official channels that I will completely block the Santos Group

Any family that cooperates with the Santos Group will be the enemy of our family

Let’s see if Ethan and others dare to continue to cooperate with the Santos Group

As long as they withdraw their investment, the Santos Group will immediately turn from a star into a joke in Newden.” 

An hour later, news about the Rodgers family’s ban on the Santos Group had begun to spread

Before the evening, all the families and companies in Newden knew that the Rodgers family was going to ban the Santos Group

At first, some families didn’t realize the seriousness of the situation

But at night, the powerful Olsen family also issued the same statement

Then, a few families took a stand one after another, including the Whitman, Archer, Conner, and Dyson families…. 

More than a dozen families expressed their attitudes one after another

Moreover, these families were very powerful in Newden

Although these families were along for the ride as they had a close relationship with the Rodgers family, so many powerful families united and put much pressure

Before everyone had time to be surprised that Santos Group had become the richest company in Newden, they began to worry about its fate

At the same time, some people began to pay attention to Ethan, Waylon, and others

They wanted to see how they would react after they invested in the Santos Group not long ago

However, most of the people believed they would choose to withdraw their shares

After all, even Ethan, the most wealthy one in Newden, couldn’t afford to offend the Rodgers family

Leonard returned to Shoal Manor

During this period, many people called to congratulate him, including his uncle, Willie

It was Flora who usually called Leonard, but Willie called him this time, saying that he wanted to invite Leonard to his house for dinner, during which he said a lot of flattering words

If it weren’t for Flora’s sake, Leonard would have blocked him long ago



Chapter 140 

In the end, Leonard got impatient and found an excuse to hang up the phone

But some of Willie’s words reminded Leonard of something

Leonard hadn’t gone to visit the graves of his parents for so long, and it was time for him to go back


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