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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 154

Chapter 154 

Mr. Santos, people from the Rodgers family went too far and threw your gift on the ground.” 

When Rex returned to Shoal Manor and reported to Leonard, he was still angry

Leonard was the young master of the Galen Group, and the small Rodgers family dared to be rude

In Rex’s opinion, they got a lot of nerve

This Philip is so ignorant, and it is unlucky for Marianna to have such an elder.” 

But this time, I did break the promise and almost made Marianna fall into trouble, so I couldn’t ignore it

It seems that after dealing with the Morris family’s affairs, I should pay a visit to the Rodgers family: Leonard thought to himself

In the blink of an eye, three days flew by. 

During these three days, Leonard personally helped Gracia prepare medicine and apply it to her every day

When she took off the ointment every day, the wounds healed to varying degrees, which made her look forward to it

The originally despairing heart became lively, and there were many smiles on her face

At noon, Leonard asked Gracia to sit in front of the mirror and then took off the gauze on her face little by little

At the moment when he wiped the excess ointment off her face, skin as pink and tender as egg white appeared in the mirror

Her face was actually even more crystal clear than before

Gracia touched her face with a look of disbelief

My face is really healed.” 

During these three days, she was filled with anxiety

Gracia was afraid that after three days, there would still be hideous wounds on her face

For a woman who loved beauty, this was simply unacceptable

Now, her heart was finally relieved

Leonard’s medical skills are amazing, right?” 

Arlene, who was standing behind, also looked surprised

In order to take care of Gracia these days, she came early in the morning every day and went back at night

Witnessing the recovery of Gracia’s wounds with her own eyes, she became even more curious about Leonard

Her schoolmate was becoming more and more difficult to see through

Can you rest a**ured now?Leonard said with a smile

You can rest well at home these days. I have already arranged the company’s affairs, so you don’t need to worry about it.” 

Okay.Gracia nodded

Now, she was in a wonderful mood

Then I will go back to my home today,Gracia said

She hadn’t taken a shower in three days, and she couldn’t wait to go back and take a shower and change into clean clothes

After Gracia Jéft, Arlene came to Leonard’s side

Are you going to Imperial City next?Arlene asked

Yes, it’s time to settle the Morris family’s accounts.” 

Leonard’s eyes showed a bit of coldness

Well!Arlene sighed

She knew that it was useless to persuade him

So she said, Leonard, I won’t stop you from going to Imperial City, but before you go, can you accompany me to meet 

someone first?” 

Meeting whom?Leonard said doubtfully

You’ll know when you get there.” 


Regarding Arlene, Leonard knew she was doing it for his own good, so he didn’t reject her

The two left the villa and got directly into Arlene’s SUV

Twenty minutes later, they arrived in front of a coffee shop

After getting out of the car, Leonard followed Arlene all the way into the coffee shop

Leonard discovered that there were several figures with long auras hiding in the darkness of the coffee shop. They should be martial artists

When Leonard stepped in, he was immediately looked at by countless eyes

Moreover, there were no other guests in the coffee shop, so it was very quiet

Only in a private room on the third floor could Leonard feel the presence of someone

Although this is just an ordinary coffee shop, such a defensive force shows Arlene is probably taking me to meet a big shot.” Leonard judged in his heart

Coming to the stairs on the third floor, they saw a man in a suit standing there upright

After seeing the man, Arlene immediately smiled and said, General Wood.” 

The man suddenly burst into laughter. Today is not a business trip but a private meeting. You should call me Eric.” 

It was Eric, the leader of the Blades Corps

Back then, he and Arlene trained under the same instructor, so he was her senior fellow student

Okay, Eric, is Danny here? I already called him before I came.Arlene asked


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