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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 155

Chapter 155 

The middleaged man’s eyes were as sharp as knives, and everything seemed to have no place to hide in front of him

The cheeks that were chiseled as if a knife had cut it out were even more resolute

Arlene said that you have good strength. In my opinion, if you want to kill the Morris family, you are still seeking death.” 

After the words fell, the middleaged man suddenly stood up and looked at Leonard, feeling condescending

If you want me to help you, you must first prove your strength” 

Leonard couldn’t help but chuckle. Whether I’m seeking death or not, it’s not your turn to define it yet, and I don’t need your help

After the words fell, Leonard suddenly kicked his feet on the ground. His body was like an arrow leaving the string, and he was six feet away in the blink of an eye. His fist was less than half a step away from the middleaged man

He punched out with a lunge, grabbed the center line of the other party’s body, and aimed at the chest. His punch was hard, and he struck out

There was even a terrifying sound of a sonic boom in the air

Leonard’s arm was like a big gun, piercing hard into the middleaged man’s chest

It was like thunder, extremely powerful, and the whole room resounded with roaring sounds

The sound of footsteps hitting the ground and the sound of fists combined, like waves and tides merging into a line, which was breathtaking

If Leonard didn’t move, his strength could not be told. However, as he took action, his power was stunning

This punch was extremely fast and extremely violent

The middleaged man’s majestic face suddenly changed slightly

He didn’t expect that Leonard would take action without hesitation

Moreover, the explosive power displayed was as unstoppable as a mountain and a tsunami

Feeling the power of this punch, the middleaged man knew not to meet his edge but to retreat temporarily

As soon as his mind moved, his body moved back

He was also a strong man who had experienced hundreds of battles, and his seemingly strong body was very agile at actions

He kicked his heels on the ground and leaned back. In an instant, his body moved back more than a meter, just in time to avoid this fierce punch

At the same time, he grabbed the chair next to him, swung it at Leonard fiercely, and smashed his head

General Army’s fighting skills emphasized killing with one blow, so naturally, he used all weapons that were beneficial to him


Leonard faced the chair that was thrown at him. He had no intention of avoiding it and directly faced it with his fist

Suddenly, the heavy, solid wood chair was smashed to pieces by his fist

The next moment, Leonard rushed out from the broken pieces of the chair, like a tiger breaking out of a cage, and punched the middleaged man with a fierce aura

The middleaged man hurriedly crossed his arms to block him

With a sound of bang,his whole body was hit, and he took three steps back

However, Leonard was unyielding and continued to press forward, launching attacks one after another

Every time a punch hit the middleaged man, he retreated one after another until he went all the way to the corner, unable to escape

At this moment, Leonard’s fist pierced directly like a spear

Like a ferocious, angry dragon, it opened its ferocious mouth and was unstoppable

Before the punch came, the strong wind was already howling in the room

Even Arlene and Eric, who were watching the battle, felt like their faces were being scratched with knives

When the middleaged man saw the power of Leonard’s punch, like an ancient legendary warrior coming with a pike, his mind collapsed, and his face changed wildly


He shouted loudly in a panic, I surrender!” 

The words fell

The painting hanging on the wall behind him cracked with a sound of clatterand fell to the ground

The middleaged man looked at the huge fist less than a fingerwidth away from his forehead. He felt his heart pounding, and his throat rolled involuntarily

The room was quiet for more than ten seconds

Only then did Arlene and Eric react and rush over

Danny, are you okay?” 

Leonard put away his fist

The middleaged man breathed a sigh of relief

At this moment, his back was soaked with cold sweats

Taking two deep breaths, the middleaged man forced down his shocked mind and said, I take back what I just said. You are very strong. Let me introduce myself. My name is Danny Williamson, and I am the commander of the Dragon Corps. I would like to apologize to you.” 

It’s okay, just don’t be so arrogant in the future. Otherwise, you will easily turn into a corpse.Leonard said calmly

Danny couldn’t help but smile bitterly

He didn’t expect that he, a onestar general, would be taught a lesson by a young man, but he couldn’t say anything to refute him because he was indeed not as strong as Leonard

I heard that you are going to Imperial City to take revenge on the Morris family. The Morris family doesn’t rank low among the aristocratic families in Imperial City. They have raised many martial artists and have many modern thermal weapons. I can send the Dragon Corps to a**ist you” 

No need.” 

Before the other party could finish speaking, Leonard shook his head and refused

I can handle just the Morris family

Arlene, thank you for your kindness. If there’s nothing else, I’ll leave first.” 

With that said, Leonard turned around and left


Several people in the room were stunned

Leonard, actually, you can consider joining our Dragon Corps as an instructor” 

Danny shouted at Leonard’s back

But Leonard didn’t even look back

After a few seconds of silence, Eric said, Arlene, it seems we showed excessive pa**ion to a cold person. This friend of yours has a really weird temper.” 

Arlene was a little embarra**ed

Next to her, Danny sighed. He does have the strength to be proud of. His strength is so strong. The one from the Eagles Corps is probably just like him.” 


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