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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 167

Chapter 167 

Everyone in Parasoly was trembling with fear

But the few people from Newden looked confused and didn’t understand what happened

How could this bearded man produce such a terrifying effect with just one sentence

Someone whispered a few words to his companion next to him, and the companion suddenly understood

When the companion looked at Yannick again, his eyes were full of fear

It’s him!” 

Eileen was in the most complicated mood at the moment. When Leonard called someone before, she had some guesses. But she still couldn’t believe it

She didn’t expect it was actually this person

The man was submissive in front of Leonard but behaved balefully before others, which was a sharp contrast

How did Leonard make the tyrant of Parasoly grovel

Eileen felt too much mystery surrounded Leonard. When she thought she knew Leonard well enough, she discovered Leonard was even more mysterious

Yannick stood there like the grim reaper who had descended into hell and suppressed all demons and horrors

Because of Yannick’s powerful aura, no one dared to make a sound

The previously arrogant Jasmine almost stuck her head in her crotch like an ostrich

Leopard knew others might not enjoy themselves if Yannick stayed here, so he took the initiative to leave and go to the hotel arranged by Marianna

It wasn’t until Leonard left that a burst of noise broke out in the billiard hall

What’s so great about it? He bullies us by flaunting his powerful connections with Yannick.Jasmine felt a little embarra**ed and angrily said, He can be considered capable after he shows us his prowess. There’s no point in borrowing othersprestige.” 

After hearing this, someone finally refuted her

I’m afraid that you don’t know Leonard’s identity. He owns Santos Group, whose market value is more than 160 billion dollars. Leonard has a**ets of more than 40 billion dollars. He is now the richest man in Newden.” 

Embarra**ing! How embarra**ing

So what if he is rich? Who knows whether he earned the money by abiding by the law.” 

Jasmine turned around to leave angrily but seemed to run away

She felt she was a clown

Matt was too embarra**ed to stay here any longer. Thinking that he had talked so much about business before, he was so embarra**ed

The remaining men and women from Parasoly also had complicated expressions. Some who looked down on Leonard shut their mouths at this moment

By the 

way, you just said that guy is a tyrant. Tell me about his deeds.” 

Some people became curious and asked about Yannick

That guy will definitely stop children from crying in Parasoly” 

Twenty minutes later, Yannick drove Leonard to the Virginil Hotel

The unique license plate, representing the superiority of the car’s owner, made the security captain at the door stand up straight

After getting off the car, Yannick said with a flattering look, Mr. Santos, how about I arrange a few whores for you. All of them are fairskinned, beautiful, and have long legs” 

Go away!” 

Leonard raised his foot and kicked Yannick on the butt

Yannick had such a huge bulk that the kick was a tickle for him, which was not painful

Instead, he felt it was a sign of intimacy between Leonard and him and smiled


Chapter 167 

After getting the news that Yannick, the terror, was coming, the hotel manager broke out in a cold sweat when he just got out 

of the elevator and saw this scene

It was Yannick Sinclair! How dare someone kick his a**

But at that moment, the manager didn’t dare to approach Yannick rashly. If he were angered, it was highly likely that Yannick would snap the manager’s neck if he didn’t have the courage to deal with this young man

So, the manager deliberately pretended not to see it and hid aside

*I’ll go to the hotel first. You can pick me up tomorrow morning. We’ll come to the Rodgers Villa together.” 

Leonard ordered


Yannick escorted Leonard to the elevator and hummed when he turned and left. Obviously, he was in a good mood

The next day, members of the Rodgers family were busy

Today, Zavier, the young master of the Olsen family, would come to discuss the engagement. So, the Rodgers family should naturally entertain him warmly

Everyone was beaming

The family marriage of the Rodgers family and the Olsen family would benefit everyone in the Rodgers family

Only Marianna cried secretly

In the room on the second floor, Melanie opened the door and walked in

Marianna, why don’t you go down? Zavier has arrived and wants to see you

It’s the first time for you to meet him. You must leave a good impression on Zavier.” 

Marianna just looked out the window blankly and ignored her mother

Melanie suddenly showed a bit of dissatisfaction on her face

Marianna, what’s wrong with you? How did you promise your grandpa before

You said you would obey our arrangements obediently after seeing Leonard for the last time. Now, you can’t drop the ball at this critical moment

If you don’t see Zavier now, I will have no choice but to vent my anger on Leonard.” 

Finally, Marianna changed her face and turned her head with a bit of anger in her 

How can you 


be so shameless?” 


Melanie didn’t expect her daughter to describe herself like this, so she said with a cold face, If you think I’m shameless, so am I. But it’s you who forced me to be shameless. If you don’t want Leonard to be harmed, go downstairs.” 

After saying that, Melanie directly left

Five minutes later, Marianna appeared downstairs

Among the crowd, a young man in a suit was highspirited

When he saw Marianna, he walked toward her directly and said with a smile, Marianna, we meet again. I heard that yesterday was your birthday. This is the birthday gift I prepared for you.” 


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