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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 168

Chapter 168 

The man had worked as a bodyguard in the Rodgers family for so many years and had never seen such an arrogant man who dared to put a gun to the head of the bodyguard of the Rodgers family in the Rodgers Villa

However, he didn’t doubt Yannick was a coward. No coward would break into the Rodgers Villa with a gun. In particular, Yannick’s fierce look showed his evilness at first glance

The car drove straight in after the gate was opened

Yannick, who was driving, was still cursing and tempted Leonard to grab Philip’s neck and slap Philip twice after he came in 


Keep a low profile later.” 

Leonard said coldly

Marianna, you are too impolite. Zavier kindly gave you a gift. How could you not accept it?” 

Yes. Marianna, you hurt Zavier’s feelings.” 

Everyone in the room kept talking to each other and eagerly hoped Marianna would marry into the Olsen family 


Why did you come?” 

At this time, Jason, sitting at the door playing with his mobile phone, looked up and suddenly widened his eyes when he saw Leonard standing at the door

He was originally upset because he was punished by Leonard and failed to take revenge. But he didn’t expect that Leonard. would come here


In addition to Jason, Marianna also stood blankly on the spot, even though she was criticized by her relatives

Standing at the door, Leonard frowned and looked at everyone in the room

Before he entered the door, he heard these people accusing Marianna

The wealthy family revealed their real face

For their own benefit, these people would treat their relatives like this, especially Melanie, Marianna’s biological mother. How could Melanie be so eager to throw Marianna under the bus

Melanie also saw Leonard and immediately scowled, revealing a bit of coldness on her face. She wished she could gut Leonard like a fish

If Zavier heard any bad remarks since Leonard appeared on such an occasion today, the marriage between their two families would be ruined

When Marianna refused to marry Zavier last time, the Olsen family was already very unhappy. This time, it was a great surprise for the Rodgers family that the Olsen family was willing to continue the family marriage with the Rodgers family. So, Melanie wouldn’t allow Leonard to ruin it

Melanie said coldly, This is not the place you should be. Leave the Rodgers Villa as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will be rude to you.” 

After saying that, she looked at her daughter and said, Marianna, if you don’t want him to die, tell him to get out of the Rodgers Villa as soon as possible.” 

Marianna only reacted at this time

She looked at Leonard with a complicated expression

She was surprised and very happy that Leonard could appear in the Rodgers Villa today

But she also knew that Leonard’s appearance in the Rodgers Villa today would completely anger the Rodgers family

Now, Melanie and others dared not reveal Leonard’s identity in front of Zavier. So, it is not too late for Leonard to leave 


Marianna walked quickly to Leonard and whispered, Leonard, please go quickly. Please.” 

Marianna’s eyes were filled with tears. She was full of anxiety

I won’t leave. I’m here to take you away today.” 

Leonard said firmly



Chapter 168 

Leonard, are you stupid? Leave quickly. If you don’t leave now, it will be too late.” 

Marianna was worried. This is Parasoly, not Newden. If you don’t leave, they will really kill you. Listen, it’s useless for you to stay. You can’t take me away” 

Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing.” 

Leonard smiled and glanced at everyone in the room

There were Melanie, Jason, and several middleaged men and women. But Leonard did not see Philip, Marianna’s grandfather

Sitting at the end was a man in his forties, who should be Marianna’s father, George Rodgers

Leonard heard from Eileen that George was the only one in the Rodgers family who opposed Marianna marrying into the Olsen family

But because he was a coward, Melanie, his wife, had always been in charge of the family. So, his opinion was almost negligible. No one listened to him at all

Seeing Leonard appear at this moment, George revealed his relief in his eyes

Leonard, listen to me.” 

Marianna was about to cry

Melanie’s face was extremely gloomy

Melanie didn’t want Zavier to know Leonard’s identity. As long as Leonard left, she could hide it

But she didn’t expect Leonard to be so reckless

It seemed that he thought the Rodgers family was easy to bully since the Rodgers family had not used their power to deal with him before

Are you Leonard Santos?” 

At this time, Zavier suddenly said, What the hell is the Rodgers family doing?” 

When Marianna heard Zavier’s words, her eyes suddenly showed a trace of despair

Since Zavier guessed Leonard’s identity, there was no need for the Rodgers family to hide it. Now, Leonard couldn’t leave even if he wanted to

Melanie wanted to cut Leonard into pieces at this moment. If Leonard ruined the marriage between the Rodgers family and the Olsen family, the Rodgers family would suffer huge losses

Many figures approached Leonard from all directions

Guy, why do you break in hell? It’s a good time to settle old and new scores together.” 

Jason looked at Leonard with a ferocious smile

An old man appeared quietly behind Jason

He was a powerful martial artist of Transformation Realm and was worshiped by the Rodgers family

I must take Marianna away today. Whoever stops me will die.” 


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