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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 188

Chapter 188

Chapter 188

The weekend was coming soon.

Willie called Leonard and asked him back to the village to visit the graves.

In the past, when Leonard had been in prison, Flora was responsible for visiting the graves of Leonard’s parents and grandparents.

The graves of Willie’s family were also in the village.

Now that Leonard was back, it was naturally his responsibility to handle these matters.

Concerning the visit to the graves, Leonard had asked Rex to purchase some flowers the day before.

Leonard greeted Rex, who was waiting in the living room. They drove to join Flora and then returned to the village together.

On the highway outside Newden, a brand new five-series BMW, followed closely by a Rolls-Royce, stopped temporarily to rest while passing by a service area.

Willie looked at Leonard’s Rolls-Royce with a hint of envy.

He found his newly acquired five-series

BMW suddenly pale in comparison.

Willie took out a cigarette and handed it to Leonard. When he was about to take out a lighter, Leonard had already lit the cigarette for him.

Willie was immediately flattered.

On the side, Kenia shook Flora’s arm and begged, “Mom, Leonard always listens to you. Remember to ask him to promote me in the company later. It makes no sense that my cousin is the boss of the company while I am just an ordinary employee.”

Flora glanced at Leonard, who was not far away, with a look of embarrassment, but she couldn’t resist Kenia’s constant begging, so Flora nodded reluctantly.

After finishing their cigarettes, they continued their journey.

Passing through two service areas without stopping, they bypassed over 12 miles of mountain roads and arrived at a small mountain village named Thunderpeak Village.

It was named after a big mountain at the village entrance. The village was relatively remote, and there were fewer than 100 households.

After entering the village and making a left

turn, they arrived at Leonard’s house, which was located at the western end.

It had been in disrepair and thus was dilapidated. The yard was lush green, with many fruits and vegetables growing.

They were planted by Leonard’s uncle, Oscar Santos. They were descendants of the same ancestor. Oscar was Leonard’s only relative in the village.

When the cars pulled up at the house, an elderly man with a stooped back walked


Oscar was an honest man and a

hard-working man. He had never been out of the village in his life. He had a son and a daughter. His son worked in the county town in transportation, while his daughter got married in another province and only returned to the village once every few


After Leonard’s parents passed away, he had been taking care of the yard.

Oscar rubbed his weathered eyes and looked at the two cars parked in front of the house.

He didn’t know the Rolls-Royce, but he was familiar with the BMW.

Oscar praised, “Lori, your husband is doing

well now. He drives a BMW. The car must cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, right?”

Lori was naturally the nickname of Flora.

Willie couldn’t help but show a bit of pride on his face.

He took out a cigarette, handed it to Oscar, and said with a smile, “Oscar, it’s hundreds of thousands of dollars, but it is nothing compared to Leonard’s car. His car costs. millions of dollars.”

Oscar reached out his hand and touched the paint of the Rolls-Royce, murmuring, “Leonard is promising. A few years ago, Leonard was imprisoned. People in the village said that Leonard’s future was ruined. Unexpectedly, Leonard is the most successful man in the Santos family.”

“Oscar, I came back in a hurry this time and bought you some supplements. I hope you like them.”

Leonard opened the trunk and took out the things he had prepared.

Oscar shook his head and said. “Leonard, you don’t have to waste money buying things for me!”

“Oscar, accept them. It is a token of our regard,” Kenia also said.

After chatting at the door for a while. Leonard and Flora walked towards the ancestral graves.

And Willie also went to the graves of the Barton family.


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